Page 60 - Walter B. Gibson "Knots And How To Tie Them"
P. 60
Too Much Rope
When you have too much rope for
a particular purpose, there is a simple
solution - shorten it.
Someone unfamiliar with rope
work might think that means cutting
the rope to the required length. But
sometimes you don't know how
much rope you require until you have
experimenttd with it; or, you may not
want to cut the rope. You may need it
later as a full~length rope. So the
problem is how to make it shorter
but still keep it long.
That is done with "shortening"
knots or other formations. These
"shorteners" are not only useful,
many of them are ornamental. Most
rope workers are introduced to fancy
rope work through knots of this type.
So try this "short" way to tKpert
ropemanship with these shortening
formations. You will find it intrigu~
ing, as well as practicaL After experi-
menting with these. you can continue
with more ornamental knots in the
following chapter entides "Fancy and
Decorative Knots."