Page 24 - nou Systems Employee Handbook Final
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6.7 Anti-Human Trafficking
nou Systems is committed to a work environment that is free from human trafficking and slavery,
which for purposes of this policy, includes forced labor and unlawful child labor. The Company
will not tolerate or condone human trafficking or slavery in any part of our organization. nou
Systems employees, contractors, subcontractors, vendors, suppliers, partners and others
through whom the Company conducts business must avoid complicity in any practice that
constitutes trafficking in persons or slavery.
nou Systems maintains an extensive Anti-Human Trafficking Policy that each employee is
responsible for reading and acknowledging annually. For further information, contact the Human
Resources Department.
6.8 Quality and Environmental Management System
nou Systems maintains a Quality Management System (QMS) and Environmental Management
System (EMS) and we strive to maintain certification with AS9100:D, ISO 9001:2015, CMMI Level
3, and AS14001. As part of these systems, we are counting on our employees to understand their
roles and responsibilities including an awareness of our policies and our commitment to
continuous improvement.
Environmental Policy: nou Systems is committed to protecting the Earth's environment by
preventing pollution and minimizing its environmental impacts through its employee awareness
program, regulatory compliance, sustainable resource use, and continual improvement of its
Environmental Management System.
Quality Policy: We are committed to providing technical and support services that efficiently
satisfy our customer's requirements. We are also committed to continuous improvement of our
processes and quality management system.
nou Systems maintains Quality and Environmental Management Manuals describing more about
each of the programs, their scope, and how you are expected to actively contribute to ensuring
we deliver safe and conforming products and services, and the implications of not conforming
with these systems.
It is the policy of nou Systems to comply with all laws governing domestic and foreign operations,
and to conduct our affairs in keeping with the highest moral, legal, and ethical standards.
nou Systems maintains an extensive Code of Business Ethics and Conduct Policy that each
employee is responsible for reading and acknowledging annually. The Policy includes guidance
on Conflicts of Interest, Giving and Accepting Gifts, Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Improperly
Acquiring Trade Secrets of Competitors, Contractually Committing the Company, Company
nSI Employee Handbook 24 Rev. 4 (2021))