P. 13

of economic models. It has made a valuable     2)  Prof Carl Shapiro - “Macro economics
                 contribution to economics by developing           deals with the functioning of the economy
                 various terms, concepts, terminologies, tools     as a whole.”
                 of economic analysis etc. Economic models           The following chart gives an idea about
                 are built using various economic variables.       the scope of macro economics.

              5)  Business Decisions : Micro economic                    Scope of Macro Economics
                 theories are helpful to businessmen for
                 taking crucial business decisions. These       Theory of   Theory of   Theory of    Macro
                                                               Income and   General    Economic    Theory of
                 decisions are related to the determination   Employment     Price    Growth and  Distribution
                 of cost  of production,  determination  of                Level and  Development
                 prices of goods, maximization of output
                 and profit, etc.                               Theory of     Theory of
                                                              Consumption     Investment
              6)  Useful to Government : It is useful  to       Function       Function
                 government  in framing  economic  policies           Theory of
                 such as taxation policy, public expenditure       Business Cycles
                 policy, price policy etc.  These policies      i) Theory of Income and Employment :
                 help  the  government  to  attain  its  goals    Macro economic  analysis explains which

                 of efficient allocation of resources and         factors determine the level of national
                 promoting economic welfare of the society.       income  and employment  and what causes
              7)  Basis of Welfare  Economics : Micro             fluctuations in the level of income, output and
                 economics  explains  how best  results  can      employment. To understand, how the level of
                 be obtained  through optimum  utilization        employment is determined, we have to study
                 of resources and its best allocation. It also    the consumption  function  and investment

                 studies how taxes affect social welfare.         function. Theory of Business Cycles is also a
                                                                  part and parcel of the Theory of Income and
            Meaning of Macro Economics :
                 Macro economics is the branch of                 Employment.

            economics which analyses the entire economy.       ii) Theory of General  Price  Level and
            It deals with the  total  employment,  national       Inflation : Macro economic analysis shows
            income, national output, total investment, total      how the general price level is determined and
            consumption, total savings, general price level       further explains what causes fluctuations
            interest rates, inflation,  trade cycles, business    in it. The study of general price  level  is
            fluctuations etc. Thus, macro economics is the        significant on account  of the problems
            study of aggregates.                                  created by inflation and deflation.
                                                              iii) Theory of Growth and Development :
            Definitions of Macro Economics :
                                                                  Macro economics consists of the theory
              1)  J. L. Hansen - “Macro economics  is that        of economic growth and development. It
                 branch of economics which considers the          explains the causes of underdevelopment
                 relationship between large aggregates such       and poverty. It also suggests strategies for

                 as the volume of employment, total amount        accelerating growth and development.
                 of  savings, investment,  national  income   iv) Macro Theory of Distribution : Macro
                                                                  theory of distribution deals with the relative
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