P. 8

- For Teachers -

                 Dear Teachers,                                  students the importance of data collection

                   We are happy to introduce the revised         and data analysis.
                 textbook of Economics for Std. XII. This      P  Major concepts of economics have a
                 book is a sincere attempt to follow the         scientific base and they deal with abstractions.
                 maxims  of  teaching  as  well  as  develop  a   Encourage group work, learning through
                 ‘constructivist’ approach to enhance the        each other’s help etc. Facilitate peer learning
                 quality of learning. Demand for more            as much as possible by reorganizing the
                 activity  based,  experiential and  innovative   class structure frequently.
                 learning opportunities is the need of the hour.   P  Teaching-learning interactions, processes
                 The present curriculum has been restructured    and participation of all students are very
                 so as to bridge the credibility gap that exists   necessary and so is your active guidance.
                 between what is taught and what students      P  Do not use the boxes titled ‘Do you know?’
                 learn from direct experience in the outside     for evaluation. However, teachers must
                 world. Guidelines  provided below will help     ensure that students read this extra
                 to enrich the teaching-learning  process and    information.
                 achieve the desired learning outcomes.        P  Information provided in boxes with the title
              P  To begin with, get familiar with the textbook   ‘You Should Know’ should be considered
                 yourself.                                       for evaluation.
              P  The present book has been prepared for        P  Exercises provided after each unit are
                 constructivist and activity-based teaching.     prepared using different parameters such as
              P  Teachers must skillfully  plan and organize     observation, co-relation, critical thinking,
                 the activities provided in each chapter to      analytical  reasoning etc. Evaluation  pattern
                 develop  interest  as well  as to  stimulate  the   should be based on the given parameters.
                 thought process among the students.             Equal weightage should be assigned to all
              P  Always teach with proper planning.              the  topics.  Use  different combinations of
              P  Use teaching aids as required for the proper    questions. Stereotype questions should be
                 understanding of the subject.                   avoided.
              P  Follow the tentative number of periods        P  Use  QR Code  given  in  the  textbook.  Keep
                 mentioned  in the page of 'Contents' to give    checking the QR Code for updated
                 due justice to the topic.                       information.
              P  Follow the  order  of the  chapters  strictly  as   P  Certain important links, websites have been
                 listed  in the  contents  because the  units  are   given for references. Teachers as well as the
                 introduced  in  a  graded  manner  to  facilitate   students  can  use  these  references  for  extra
                 knowledge building.                             reading and in-depth understanding of the
              P  Statistics is placed as the sixth unit to       subject.
                 facilitate integrative learning through       P  Economic terms included in the Glossary are
                 interdisciplinary approach.                     highlighted in blue colour in each chapter.
              P  Ask questions on statistical information      P  List of abbreviations is provided towards the
                 related to trends and patterns. Efforts have    end of the textbook for further clarification.
                 been  made  to  provide the latest  data         Best wishes for a wonderful teaching
                 available. Teachers  must  explain  to the      experience!
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