P. 21
which a person derives from a given increase
Total Utility Marginal Utility in his stock of a thing, diminishes with every
1) Total utility is the 1) Marginal utility increase in the stock that he already has.”
sum total of the is the addition In other words, marginal utility that any
individual utilities made to the total
derived from the utility from every consumer derives from successive units of a
consumption of a additional unit particular commodity goes on diminishing as
single unit of good. consumed. his or her total consumption of that commodity
2) Total utility 2) increases. In short, the more of a thing you have,
increases at a the less you want to have more of it.
diminishing rate.
Assumptions :
3) 3) At the point of Following are the assumptions of the law of
satiety MU = O
diminishing marginal utility :
4) Total utility 4) 1) Rationality : Consumer is assumed to
declines if be rational. It means that his behaviour
consumption is normal and he tries to maximize his
5) Total utility deter- 5)
mines value in use 2) Cardinal measurement : The law assumes
of a commodity. that utility can be cardinally or numerically
6) 6) Marginal utility measured. Hence, mathematical operations
can be positive, are easily possible to know and compare
negative, zero. the utility derived from each unit of a
7) Diagram : 7) Diagram : commodity.
3) Homogeneity : All units of a commodity
4 consumed are exactly homogeneous or
TU TU curve identical in size, shape, colour, taste etc.
4) Continuity : All units of commodity are
0 Units x consumed in quick succession without any
lapse of time.
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility : 5) Reasonability : All the units of a commodity
Introduction : consumed are of reasonable size. They are
This law was first proposed by Prof. Gossen neither too big nor too small.
but was discussed in detail by Prof. Alfred 6) Constancy : All the related factors like
Marshall in his book ‘Principles of Economics’ income, tastes, habits, choices, likes,
published in 1890. dislikes of a consumer should remain
The law of diminishing marginal utility constant. Marginal utility of money is also
is universal in character. It is based on the assumed to be constant.
common consumer behaviour that utility derived 7) Divisibility : The law assumes that the
diminishes with the reduction in the intensity of commodity consumed by the consumer is
a want. divisible so that it can be acquired in small
Statement of the Law : quantities.
According to Prof. Alfred Marshall, “Other 8) Single want : A given commodity can
things remaining constant, the additional benefit satisfy a single want of a person. The law