P. 86

Table no. 8.1 shows the difference between   Government Budget :
                 Internal debt and External debt.                  Budget is an important instrument of financial

                               Table 8.1                      administration through which all the financial
                                                              affairs of the state are regulated. Budget is a
            Differences between Internal and External Debt
                                                              financial statement showing the expected receipts
             Sr. No.     Internal Debt      External Debt     and proposed expenditures of the government in
                1    Raised within the     Raised outside     the coming financial year. In India, a financial
                     economy               the economy        year is from 1  April to 31  March. Article 112
                2    Voluntary or          Voluntary in       of the Constitution of India has a provision for
                     compulsory in nature nature              annual financial statement. In every budget, a set
                3    Use of  domestic      Use of foreign     of seven budget documents describe the details of
                     currency              currency
                4    Less complex for      More               Government finance in India.
                     management            complex for             The  word ‘Budget’  is derived  from the
                                           management         French word ‘Bougette’,which means a bag
                                                              or a wallet containing the financial proposals.
               Try this :                                     These financial proposals are in the form of the
                 Classify the following activities  into      Government expenditure and revenue.
               Internal and External Debt :
                                                                Do you know?
               1) Government selling bonds to its citizens.
                                                                  The term ‘Budget’ is not used in the
               2) Government of India borrowing funds
                 from  the  World  Bank  for provision  of      Constitution of India. It refers to the ‘Annual
                 water supply.                                  Financial Statement’ of the Government.
               3) Government of India takes loans from        Revenue and Capital Budgets :
                 Nationalized  Banks for developing                Central Budget provisions are divided into-
                 infrastructure facilities in the country.      1)  Revenue Budget and
               4) Government of India takes loans from          2)  Capital Budget.
                 World Bank for Mumbai Metro Train.
                                                                1)  Revenue Budget : It  consists of revenue
            IV) Fiscal Policy :                                    receipts and revenue expenditure  of the
                 Fiscal  policy  is the  means  by which  a        government. Revenue receipts are divided
            government adjusts its spending levels and             into  tax and  non-tax  revenue.  Revenue
            tax rates to monitor  and influence  a nation's        expenditure  comprises of interest paid on
            economy. It deals with the public expenditure,         Government  borrowings, subsidies  and
            public revenue and public debt. In short, it           grants given to the state governments.
            is the financial  policy  implemented  by the       2)  Capital Budget : The capital  budget
            Government.                                            consists of capital receipts and capital
            V) Financial Administration :                          payments. Capital receipts are Government
                 A smooth and efficient implementation             loans raised from the public and the Reserve
            of revenue, expenditure  and debt policy of            Bank of India, divestment of equity holding
            the Government,  is referred  to as financial          in the public sector enterprises,  loans
            administration.  This includes  preparation  and       received from the foreign Governments and
            implementation  of the Government budgets              other foreign bodies, State deposit funds,
            along with overall growth of the country.              special deposits etc.

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