P. 82

development of the country. These functions       production, employment and overall growth
                 include spread of education, public health,       in  the  economy.  Hence,  the  government
                 public  works, public  recreation,  social        makes huge efforts for implementing
                 welfare schemes etc.  It is observed that         various schemes and programmes for
                 new functions are continuously being              industrial development.  This results in
                 undertaken  and old functions  are being          increase in government expenditure.
                 performed more efficiently on a large scale
                 by the government. This leads to increase in     8)  Disaster Management : Many natural and
                 public expenditure.                               man-made  calamities  like  earthquakes,
                                                                   floods, cyclones, social unrest etc. are
              2)  Rapid Increase in Population : Population        occurring more frequently. The government
                 of developing countries like India is             has to spend a  huge  amount  for the
                 increasing  fast. In 2011 Census, it was          disaster management which increases total
                 121.02 crores. As a result, the government        expenditure.
                 has to incur greater expenditure to fulfil the            Modern governments are working for
                 needs of the increasing population.               ‘welfare state’. Hence, there is a continuous

              3)  Growing Urbanization : Spread of                 increase in the public expenditure.
                 urbanization  is  a  global  phenomenon
                 of the  day. This leads to increase  in the    Find out :
                 government  expenditure  on  water  supply,      Reasons for growth in public expenditure
                 roads, energy, schools and colleges, public    other than given above.
                 transport, sanitation etc.
                                                                Find out :
              4)  Increasing  Defence Expenditure : In            Important social welfare schemes by the
                 modern times, defence  expenditure  of         Govt.
                 the government is increasing even in the
                 peace time  due to unstable and hostile      II) Public Revenue :
                 international relationships.
                                                                   Public revenue means the aggregate
              5)  Spread of  Democracy  :  Majority  of the   collection  of income  with the government
                 countries in the world are democratic  in    through  various sources. Public  revenue  holds
                 nature. A democratic form of government is   the permanent  position in the study of public
                 expensive due to regular elections and other   finance which is part of study of economics.
                 such activities. This results in the increase   Thus, the necessity of public revenue arises due
                 in total expenditure of the government.      to public expenditure.

              6)  Inflation : Just like a private individual, the          The main sources of public revenue are as
                 government has to buy goods and services     follows.
                 from the market for the spread of economic   Sources of Public Revenue :
                 and social  development.  Normally,  prices   A) Taxes      B) Non-tax Revenue :
                 show a rising trend.  Due  to this, the
                 government has to incur increasing costs.    A) Taxes :
                                                                1)  According to  Prof. Taussig : “The essence
              7)  Industrial Development : Industrial              of a tax as distinguished from other charges
                 development  leads  to  an  increase  in
                                                                   by  government  is  the  absence  of  a  direct

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