P. 105

Additional Information :
            1)   Jay Hanuman Vyayamshala has ` 5,000 members paying annual subscription ` 50 each.
            2)   Outstanding Salary ` 12,000.
            3)   On 1  April, 2019 the assets stood as under.
                 a)    Land & Building ` 70,000
                 b)    Furniture ` 45,000
                 Depreciate the above assets at 10 % p. a.
            4)   Income Accrued on Investment is ` 2,000
            5)   50 % Entrance fees and 60 % of Donations should be capitalised.
                 Prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31  March 2020 and also
                 Balance Sheet as on same date.
            Solution :
                               In the Book of Jay Hanuman Vyayamshala, Aurangabad.
                                            Income & Expenditure Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2020
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                    Expenditure          Amount Amount                Income             Amount Amount
                                            `          `                                    `          `
             To Salary                    50,000             By Subscription             2,30,000
             Add : Outstanding            12,000     62,000 Add : O/s Subscription         20,000 2,50,000
             To Lighting                             10,500 By Donations                   60,000

             To General Exp.                         20,000 Less : 60 % Capitalised        36,000    24,000
             To Maintenance Charges                  40,000 By Receipts from                         40,000
             To Entertainment                        35,000 Entertainment
             Expenses                                        By Income from                 1,000

             To Printing & Stationery                 7,000 Investment
             To Depreciation on                              Add : Outstanding              2,000     3,000
             Land & Building                7,000            By Entrance fees              50,000
             Furniture                      4,500    11,500 Less : 50 % Capitalised        25,000    25,000
             To Surplus                            1,60,000 By Interest on F. D.            3,000

             (Excess of Income                               Add : O/s Interest             1,000     4,000
             over Expenditure)
                                                   3,46,000                                        3,46,000

   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110