P. 109

15 :  Following is the Receipts and Payments Accounte of Krishna Junior College, Mahabaleshwar
                 for the year ended 31  March 2020.
                                             Receipts & Payments Account
                                           for the year ended 31  March 2020
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                      Receipts           Amount Amount                Payments            Amount Amount
                                             `         `                                     `         `
             To Balance b/d                                  By Bank Overdraft                       28,500
             Cash                                    23,500 By Salaries to teachers                 2,00,000
             To Tution fees                                  By Salaries to Office Staff             40,000
             2018 - 19                              7,000    By Books Purchased on                   60,000
             2019 - 20                              70,000  77,000 1 - 7 - 2019
             To Fine Collected                         4,000 By Printing and Stationery                7,000

             To Interest on Bank                     25,500 By Office Rent                             6,000
             Deposits                                        By Repairs                                3,000
             To Admission fees                       12,000 By Sports Expenses                         1,500
             To Donations for                        90,000 By Annual Gathering Exp.                 12,000
             Prize Fund                                      By Furniture                            40,000
             To Govt. Grands                        1,73,000 (Purchased on 1-1-2020)

                                                             By Balance c/d
                                                             Cash in Hand                     200
                                                             Cash in Bank                    6,800     7,000

                                                    4,05,000                                        4,05,000
            Additional Information :
            1)   For the current year (2019 - 20) Tuition fees are outstanding  ` 10,000.
            2)   50 % Admission fees should be capitalised.
            3)   Outstanding Salary to teachers are ` 12,000.
            4)   Depreciation : Books @ 10 % p.a. and Furniture @ 15 % p.a.
            5)   50 % Govt. Grants should be capitalised.
            6)   Assets and Liabilities on 1 April, 2019 were as follows. Building ` 18,00,000, Furniture
                 ` 7,00,000, Books ` 5,00,000, 9 % Bank Deposits ` 3,00,000,
                 Tution fees receivable ` 7,000, Bank overdraft ` 28,500
                 You are required to prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31
            March 2020 and Balance sheet as on that date.

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