P. 125

Adjustments :
            Subscription Outstanding for the year 2017 - 18 is ` 6,000.
            During previous year Subscription received in advance for 2017 - 18 is ` 2,000.
            Outstanding subscription of 2016 - 2017 is ` 2,500
                 With the help of above information present  the item Subscription  in Income and
                 Expenditure Account for the year ending 31.03.2018 and Balance Sheet as on that date.
                 (Ans. : Subscription ` 68,000)
            4.   (Preparation of Income and Expenditure Account only)
                 Following is the Receipts and Payments Account of “Satara Sports Club” Satara Prepare
                 Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending 31.03.2019.

                            Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending 31.03.2019.
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                      Receipts            Amt. ` Amt. `              Payments              Amt. `   Amt. `
             To Balance b/d                                By Salaries                                5,000
                           Cash in hand    4,500           By Rent (Including ` 2,000                 5,000
                           Cash at Bank 12,000     16,500 for 2017 - 18)

             To Subscription                               By Electricity Charges                     1,450
             2017 - 18                     4,000           By Fixed Deposit                          60,000
             2018 - 19                    44,500           By Printing and Stationery                   750
             2019 - 20                     3,500   52,000 By General Expenses                         5,500
             To Entrance fees                        8,000 (Including ` 500 paid for
             To Donation for                       70,000 next year)
             Building fund                                 By Sports Material Purchased              40,000
             To Interest                              600 By Balance c/d

             To Sale of furniture                    4,500 Cash in Hand                      8,900
             (Book Value ` 8000)                           Cash at Bank                    25,000    33,900

                                                  1,51,600                                         1,51,600

            Adjustments :
            1)   Outstanding Subscription for Current Year is ` 4,500
            2)   Outstanding Rent for Current Year amounted to ` 1,000
            3)   Entrance Fees are to be treated as Revenue Income
            4)   Stock of Sports Material as on 01.04.2018 ` 6,000 and on 31.03.2019 ` 14,000
                 (Ans. : Surplus Amount  ` 5,900)

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