P. 133

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31.03.2019
            Dr.                                                                                           Cr.
                         Receipts               Amount `                 Payments                Amount `
             To Balance b/d                         4,000    By Purchase of Drugs                2,00,000
             To Subscription                     2,22,000    (Includes 40,000 for 2017 - 18)
             To Life Membership Fees               30,000    By Salary to Staff                    85,000

             To Hospital Receipts                5,10,400    By Honorarium to Doctors            4,00,000
             (Revenue)                                       By Repairs and Maintenance            18,000
                                                             By Furniture                          45,000
                                                             By General Expenses                   16,000
                                                             By Balance c/d                         2,400

                                                 7,66,400                                        7,66,400
            Adjustments :

            1)   On 31.03.2019 Stock of Drugs was valued at ` 22,000.
            2)   Depreciation on Building at 5 % p.a. and on Ambulance ` 30,000.
            3)   Life Membership Fees are to be capitalized.
                  (Ans. : Deficit ` 49,100, Balance Sheet Total ` 17,40,900)

              Activity :
              1.   Visit any Mahila Bachat Gat and study the procedure of maintaing the accounts and write
                   a  reprot on the same.
              2.   Visit any School/Junior College and study the Income & Expenditure A/c and Balance
              3.   Visit any Co-operative Housing Society and understand the procedure of Accounting.


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