P. 134

3           Reconstitution of Partnership (Admission of Partner)


              3.1  Meaning of Reconstitution of Partnership
                   3.1.1    Different forms of reconstitution
              3.2  Admission of a partner
                   3.2.1    Need
                   3.2.2    Capital brought by new partner
                   3.2.3    New Profit Sharing Ratio
                   3.2.4    Sacrifice Ratio
                   3.2.5    Meaning of Goodwill
           Methods of Valuation of Goodwill
                            1)  Average Profit Method
                            2)  Super Profit Method
                   3.2.5.   Treatment of Goodwill
                   3.2.6    Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities
                   3.2.7    Adjustment of accumulated Profits and Losses
                   3.2.8    Adjustment of Capitals

              Competency Statement
              o    The students will be able :
                  To understand the meaning and different ways of reconstitution.
                  To understand the meaning and need of admission of  partner.
                  To learn the adjustments required on admission of a partner.
                  To calculate the new profit sharing ratio and sacrifice ratio.
                  To know  the methods of valuation of goodwill and treatment of goodwill.
                  To learn the accounting treatment of accumulated profits / loss.
                  To To make necessary adjustments for revaluation of assets and liabilities.
                  To learn to adjust the capitals according to new profit sharing ratio.

            3.1   Meaning of Reconstitution of Partnership :
                 The reconstitution of partnership primarily involves change in the form of partnership. There
            is change in agreement among the partners which leads to change in the relationship between the
            partners and change in share of the Profit or Losses of the partners in the firm. The change in the
            partnership  may take the following forms :

            3:1:1 Different forms of Reconstitution :
                 1)    Change in Profit - Sharing of existing Partner
                       The partners of a firm may decide to change their existing profit sharing ratio. If one part-
                       ner purchases a share of profit from another partner, the old partnership agreement stands
                       terminated and the new agreement comes into force stating the new profit sharing ratio.

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