P. 355

(6)   Static statement : Financial Statements are static in nature. They represent absolute figures.
                 They do not present the process by which the figures are arrived.
            (7)   Affected by window dressing :  Sometimes  management  displays rosy picture through
                 financial statement. In order to show excellent profit sales may be increased, closing stock
                 may be overvalued, purchases at the end of the year may not be shown. This may be known as
                 window dressing It is clear from the above limitations that the result obtained from analysis of
                 Financial Statements should not be taken as true indicator of financial strength and weakness
                 of the business.
                 These limitations  must be kept in mind while taking decisions on the basis of analysis of
                 Financial Statements.

            Analysis of Financial Statements.
            1.   Balance Sheet: The balance sheet need to be arranged in vertical format which is suitable for
                 further analysis. Its format is given below :
                                                 .............. Company Ltd.
                                           Balance Sheet as on ........................
                                      Particulars                              Amount `         Amount `
             I)   Sources of Funds
                    A)   Owners Fund/Shareholders Fund.
                        a)  Share Capital
                                Equity share capital                              xxx
                                Preference share capital.                         xxx
                        b)  Add : Reserves and surplus
                                Profit & Loss A/c                                 xxx
                                General reserve                                   xxx
                                 Securities Premium.                              xxx
                        c)   Less : Fictitious Assets                             xxx
                              Net Worth/Owners Fund.                             (xxx)             xxx
                    B)  Borrowed Funds
                                 Bank Loan                                        xxx
                                 Debentures                                      (xxx)
                  Total Fund Available                                                             xxx
             II)   Application of Funds
                  1)  Fixed Assets                                                xxx
                       Land and Building                                          xxx
                        Plant and Machinery                                       xxx
                          Furniture                                               xxx
                          Vehicle.                                                xxx              xxx
                    2)   Investment
                    3)  Working Capital                                                            xxx
                          Current Assets
                        Quick Assets
                        Cash                                                      xxx
                        Bank                                                      xxx

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