P. 359

Solution 3  :

                                       Vertical Income statement as on 31/3/2019

             Sr. No.                        Particular                          Amount (`)     Amount (`)
                1.    Sales                                                                      11,00,000
                2.    (-) Cost of Goods Sold
                            Opening Stock                                          3,50,000
                      (+) Purchases                                                7,00,000
                      (+) Wages                                                      50,000
                      (-) Closing Stock                                            2,00,000       9,00,000
                3.    Gross Profit                                                                2,00,000
                4.    (-) Operating Exp.
                           Admin Exp.                                              1,00,000
                           Selling                                                   50,000
                           Finance Exp.                                              20,000
                5.    Total Operating Exp.                                                        1,70,000
                6.    Net Profit                                                                    30,000

            4 :  Convert following Trading and Profit and Loss Account into Vertical Income statement

                        Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2020.
                        Particular              Amount (`)              Particular              Amount (`)
             To Opening Stock                     2,00,000   By Sales                            12,00,000
             To Purchases                         9,00,000   By Closing Stock                      3,00,000
             To Wages                             1,00,000
             To Gross Profit c/d                  3,00,000

                                         Total   15,00,000                               Total   15,00,000
             To Office Expenses                   1,25,000   By Gross Profit b/d                   3,00,000
             To Selling Expenses                  1,00,000
             To Finance Expenses                    30,000
             To Net Profit c/d                      45,000
                                                           Total  3,00,000                                                Total   3,00,000

   354   355   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364