P. 362

Solution : Comparative Balance Sheet of Varun Company Ltd. as on 31.3.2019 and 31.3.2020
                         Particulars                    1            2            3               4
                                                     31.3.19      31.3.20     Absolute       Percentage
                                                       (`)          (`)      Change (`)        Change

             I.  Sources of Funds

                 a.  Share capital                   2,50,000     3,70,000     1,20,000       48% Increase
                 b.  Reserves & Surplus                60,000     1,00,000       40,000    66.67% Increase

             (A)  Net Worth                          3,10,000     4,70,000     1,60,000    51.61% Increase

             B.  Borrowed Funds

                 a.  Secured Loan                    1,00,000     1,60,000       60,000       60% Increase

                 b.  Unsecured Loan                    90,000     1,40,000       50,000    55.55% Increase
             Total Borrowed Fund                     1,90,000     3,00,000     1,10,000    57.89% Increase

             Total Fund Available (A + B)            5,00,000     7,70,000     2,70,000       54% Increase

             II. Application of Funds

                 A.  Fixed Assets                    3,50,000     5,70,000     2,20,000    62.86% Increase

                 B.  Investment                      1,20,000     1,70,000       50,000    41.67% Increase

                 C.  Working Capital

                 1.  Current Assets                  1,30,000     1,20,000      (10,000)   (7.69%) decrease
             Less : 2 Current Liabilities            1,00,000       90,000      (10,000)     (10%) decrease

             Working Capital (Current Asset Less       30,000       30,000           Nil                Nil
             Current Liabilities)

             Total Fund Applied (A + B + C)          5,00,000     7,70,000     2,70,000       54% Increase

                 Percentage of Change for Share Capital

                   Amount of Absolute Change
                                                   ×  100
                    Amount of Previous Year
                   1,20,000   × 100 = 48%

            Comparative Income Statement :  The  income  statement  shows the  Net Profit or Net Loss.
            A comparative income statement will show the absolute figures of two or more periods i.e. absolute
            change from one period to another. Since the figures for two or more periods are shown side by side,
            the reader can quickly ascertain whether sales have increased or decreased, whether cost of sales,
            has increased or decreased etc.

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