P. 374

Capital Employed : Equity Share Capital + Preference Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus +
            Debenture Capital and Other Long Term Loans
            Capital Employed = Fixed Assets + Current Assets - Current Liabilities.
            This ratio indicates the ability of company to generate the profit per rupee of capital Employed.

            (B)   Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) : This ratio measures a relationship between net profit
                 before interest and Tax and share holders fund. The funds are supplied Equity and Preference
                 Share holders.
                                                    Net Profit before interest and Tax
                 Return on Capital Employed   :
                                                     Net Capital Employed/ Equity

                 Net Capital Employed          =   Total Assets - Current Liabilities
                                               =   Fixed Assets + Current Assets - Current Liabilities
                 This ratio indicates whether share holders fund is efficiently used or not.
                 This ratio should be higher than ROI.


            (A)   Balance Sheet Ratio:
            1 :   A company had following Current Assets and Current Liabilities
            Debtors -   `  60,000, Creditors  ` 30,000, Bills  Payable  `  20,000, Stock  `  30,000,  Loose  Tools
            ` 10,000, Bank Overdraft =  ` 10,000 Calculate current ratio
            Solution 1 :
                 (1)   Current Assets       =  Debtors + Stock + Loose Tools

                                            =   60,000 + 30,000 + 10,000
                                            =  ` 1,00,000
                 (2)   Current Liabilities   =   Creditors + Bills payable + Bank Overdraft

                                            =   30,000 + 20,000 + 10,000
                                            =   60,000
                                                  Current Assets
                 Current Ratio              =    Current Liabilities
                                               1,00,000    10    5
                                            =             =    =    i.e. 5:3
                                                60,000      6    3

             Activity 1: A company had following Current Assets and Current Liabilities. Debtors 90,000,
             Creditors 45,000, Bills Payable 10,000, Stock 40,000, Loose Tools 20,000, Bank Overdraft 20,000.
             Calculate Current Ratio. (Ans = 2:1)

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