P. 39

Adjustments :
            (1)   Closing Stock is valued at ` 88,000 (Cost Price) and ` 90,000 (Market Price)
            (2)   Rucha and Juili withdrawn from business ` 3000 and ` 2000 respectively for their personal use.
            (3)   Depreciate Motor Van by 5% and Plant and Machinery by 7%.
            (4)   Reserve for Doubtful Debts on Debtors @ 5% is to be created.
            (5)   Outstanding Wages ` 800.
            (6)   Goods of ` 6000 were purchased on credit but no entry was found in the Books of Account.
                                       IN THE BOOKS OF RUCHA AND JUILI
                       Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2019
                                              Balance Sheet as on 31  March, 2019
            Dr.                                                                                          Cr.
                    Particulars          Amount Amount              Particulars          Amount  Amount
                                             `         `                                    `          `
             To Opening Stock                        89,500 By Sales                     1,48,000
             To Purchases                  48,000            Add : Unrecorded               6,000
             Add : Unrecorded               6,000                 Sales
             Purchases                                                                   1,54,000
                                           54,000            Less : Sales Return            8,000 1,46,000
             Less : Purchases Return        6,000    48,000 By Closing Stock                         88,000
             To Wages and Salaries          2,800            By Goods withdrawn
             Add : Outstanding Wages          800     3,600 by Partners :
             To Trade Expenses                        3,000       Rucha                     3,000
             To Coal, Gas Fuel                        1,000       Juili                     2,000     5,000
             To Carriage Inward                         800
             To Gross Profit c/d                     93,100
                                                   2,39,000                                        2,39,000

             To Salaries                              4,500 By Gross Profit b/d                      93,100
             To Depreciation
                 Motor Van                  2,000
                 Plant and Machinery          966     2,966
             To R.D.D. (New)                3,400
             Less : R.D.D. (Old)            1,200     2,200
             To Advertisement               4,000
             Less : Prepaid Advt.           2,000     2,000
             To Office Rent                           5,000
             To General Expenses                      2,500
             To Carriage Outword                      1,300
             To Net Profit (Transferred
             to  Capital A/c's)
                  Rucha                    48,423
                  Juili                    24,211    72,634
                                                     93,100                                          93,100

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