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Successes None was turned away and some were even hosted
at the IAAF Family Hotel and the Windsor Hotel and
On July 11 2017, the athletes started arriving from Golf Resort.
various parts of the country. However, nine pioneers When the Athletics Kenya (AK) President visited
were fl own in because of advanced age and health the athletes at Safari Park Hotel the mood was cordial
status. Some opted to travel overnight on July 10, but they requested the national body to consider
2017 fearing the air tickets which were released that either co-opting them in regional affi liates bodies
same night might spoil their chances of coming to and be given a platform to seek elective posts so that
Nairobi. they could serve the sport even better.
It was a big surprise to most of these athletes who
used their own monies. Recommendations
Their base at Safari Park Hotel was a beehive of
ough in the past it may not have possible to rec-
activity and they were very happy. e LOC surprised
ognize all athletes who have brought glory to this
them even more after kitting them with track suits
country during the IAAF WU18 Championships,
and shoes a few hours before the opening ceremony.
Nairobi 2017, the LOC must be commended for set-
Besides fi ve-star accommodation, morning and
ting a precedence which the Government must follow
afternoon tea, lunch and dinner all provided by the
up by rewarding all medalists in athletes and other
disciplines who competed for this country prior to
eir Sh50, 000 was a big surprise and a source
the introduction of cash incentive reward scheme
of income to some. All of them were happy, some
in 2007.
opening bank accounts and registering with the
The Veterans’ participation in the IAAF WU18
NHIF, which we believe is the second biggest legacy
Championships brought to the fore, the plight of
for the athletes besides hosting a successful event.
heroes and heroines who won Gold medals at the
e committee was able to compile the fi rst and
highest world level – Olympics, as far back as 1968
most comprehensive data base of 257 athletes with
and got not a cent for their feat.
details of their health status, economic mainstay
It is recommended that the Government com-
and telephone contacts.
passionately rewards these heroes/heroines in ret-
e parade of the athletes during the fi nal day of
rospect. The pioneers did a lot for this country at
competition was the biggest feel good with the IAAF
recognising most of them as Kenyans, young and old an era where there was no prize money in amateur
saw a glimpse of the depth of athletics in Kenya for sport. Actually, the Double Gold medal feat of the
the last 60 years. late Seraphino Antao in 1962 Commonwealth Games
was the perfect gift for Kenya before independence.
Challenges Please refer to recently enacted Government Policy
on remuneration (Cash Prize Scheme) of national
When word spread around that medalists were being sportsmen for success in all categories (*Document
recognised, various bodies sprung up saying they is in Appendix of this chapter of the report).
represented the interests of the athletes and with 24 e Government should also look into the health
hours more athletes, who were not legible going by status of these old men and women by incorporating
the invitation criteria, started streaming in Safari them in old age monthly stipend group.
Park. However, Mr Kariuki and the statisticians po- This wonderful array of Kenya’s all-time best
litely and fi rmly explained to the aff ected athletes athletes were week-long visitors at the IAAF WU18
that only three categories had been invited. Championships, Nairobi 2017