Page 268 - WU183.indd
P. 268


                       Protel Studios

                          e brief

                            he brief was to develop a campaign that reso-
                            nates with the international community and
                       Tone that would rally Kenyans to fi ll the stadium
                       in support of the IAAF U18 Champions in Kenya. It
                       was an event to be held for the fi rst time in Kenya
                       and the last in the world and was therefore a historic
                       and great moment for Kenya.

                       Media and communication objectives

                       •   To inform Kenyans and the world about the IAAF
                         World U18  Championships
                       •   To make Kenyans identify with and own the event
                       •   To make Kenyans support the event
                       •   To sensitize the general public about the impor-
                         tance of the event
                       •   To call on Kenyans to attend the event in large
                         numbers and fi ll the stadium for fi ve days
                                                                     To bring the idea to life, we did a 360 degree com-
                       •   Portray a positive image of the event     Our approach
                                                                     munication plan that incorporated print, TV, Radio
                                                                     and Digital.    ere was a print campaign to promote
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       Our Communication Campaign:
                                                                     the event and we launched a television campaign
                                                                     that incorporated U18 Kenyan athletes to publicize
                       World record verses wild records!
                                                                     the event and get Kenyans to the stadium.
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                          e Creative Campaign
                                                                     We also used the online platform to encourage
                                                                     people to attend the games through the hashtags
                       Our big idea
                                                                     #twendekasa and #wu18nairobi2017 and directed
                                                                     them to online tickets by giving them live updates
                       Our insight and idea for the campaign was pegged on   through a website customized for the event. The
                       the fact that Kenya is known as a leader in athletics   campaign had radio mentions on local radio sta-
                       but is also the home of spectacular wildlife in Africa   tions to promote the event.
                       with its iconic safaris and is the cradle of mankind.
                       We were therefore marketing the event as one that      e campaign also needed to stand out as there was
                       would give you an experience of a lifetime where   a lot of political noise at the time hence the need for
                       you would get a chance to experience:         it to be unique. Our theme was World Records versus
                                                                     Wild Records. Kenyan athletes are known for setting
                       •   Great athletics right at the home of world cham-  and breaking world records and we wanted to play
                         pions                                       this with Kenya’s amazing world life by comparing
                       •   Kenya’s spectacular wildlife              the records and bringing in two of Kenya’s biggest
                       •   Get to visit the cradle of mankind        attractions together.

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