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                       Technical and competition


                            his report has been prepared by Technical   to be knowledgeable in specifi c areas of increased
                            and Competition Sub-Committee of the IAAF   importance such as coordination with technology,
                       T2017 WU18 Championships – Nairobi as a post   television and event presentation.
                       mortem of the event.                          •  The events afford tremendous and unique chances
                         It has been prepared with a view to assisting future
                                                                       for individuals and organisations to benefi t through
                       event organizers to understand the diverse issues
                                                                       practical experience, the development of skills and
                       involved in the hosting of an international event of
                                                                       the expression of creativity. Planning, budgeting,
                       this magnitude which have been covered so that they
                                                                       leadership, delegation, teamwork, time management,
                       can in future develop an effi  cient plan.
                                                                       negotiation and communication are just some of the
                            e report is detailed and captures the main areas
                                                                       areas in which those who made up the organisation
                       of concern for the success of an event of that mag-
                                                                       were challenged to grow and to achieve excellence.
                       nitude if ever such an event will ever be hosted in
                                                                     •     e work was exciting and enjoyable, since we work
                       Kenya in future.
                                                                       with excellent planners.    e event was successfully
                            e event was a serious and challenging undertak-
                                                                       staged, reason why we felt a great personal satisfac-
                       ing, which required professional expertise, particu-
                                                                       tion and pride among all those, both paid and volun-
                       larly from those in key positions.
                                                                       teer, who have been involved and played a part.
                          It was necessary that all those involved at any
                       stage invest their time to understand the task ahead,
                       since the event was held in Sub-Saharan Africa for   Chief Executive Offi  cer (CEO)
                       the fi rst time.
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     The CEO was the head of the secretariat whose
                            e organizers highly appreciate the Government’s
                                                                     responsibility was to co-ordinate the operational
                       invaluable contribution through the Ministry of
                                                                     functions required to deliver the event, a major con-
                       Sports, which made the championships a success.
                                                                     tributor to the planning. He had all the attributes of
                         We present a summary of our activities during
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     leadership, management and communication skills
                       the Championships, focus being competition and
                                                                     as well as experience in the organisation of sport
                                                                     events.     e appointed Ceo was Mwangi Muthee.
                       It was the Directorate’s responsibility to ensure
                       that the event was overseen by competent techni-  The Chairman chaired the Local Organising
                       cal officials. The sub-committee was tasked with   Committee (LOC) and oversaw the strategic func-
                       the recruitment and training of technical staff. It   tions.
                       coordinated with IAAF technical experts and ser-
                       vice providers’ technicians to ensure the standards   Local organising committee  LOC
                       required by IAAF were met.
                         With the increased use of technology and pro-     e Local Organizing Committee’s primary respon-
                       fessionalization of the sport, the requirement for   sibilities are all on-site arrangements and logistics
                       technical offi  cials was not only to have experience   before, during and after the championships. Most of
                       in the technical conduct of competitions - but also   the tasks are carried out in close cooperation with

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