Page 33 - WU183.indd
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the government, secretariat and directorates/com- Technical sub-committee
mittees. It was chaired by Athletics Kenya President
Jackson Tuwei. Name Designation
e LOC through the Technical Directorate had
to contract individuals or companies to assist in 1 Ibrahim Hussein Director
achieving and fi nalizing its work. e LOC assisted 2 Paul Mutwii Deputy Director
by facilitating most of the technical requirements and 3 Benjamin Njoga Athletics Kenya (AK)
bringing in extra expertise to perfect the preparation Executive
and the running of the Championships. 4 Francis Afundi AK Affi liate Member
5 Elizabeth Anono Secretary
6 Lilian Nzile
Stadium Manager
Venue Infrastructure
7 John Ruga
Sports Kenya (SK) Engineer
8 Henry Lebo
AK Asset
e Technical Directorate was responsible for pro-
9 Geoff rey Macharia
viding a venue to the specifi cations set for the event
10 George Kariuki
and agreed in the contract with the IAAF. e venue
11 Damary Atila
includes the competition area, warm-up areas, a
12 Moses Mwamiry
Information Technology
training venue and ancillary facilities for competition
management. Preparation work on the venue infra-
Iaaf appointment of delegates
structure included construction and refurbishment
of permanent facilities and installation of temporary
Technical delegates
ere may also be a requirement to manage the
venue during the period of the event.
e IAAF has introduced a certifi cation programme
International Association of Athletics Federations
based upon the goal that all facilities, synthetic sur- Technical Delegates were appointed by the
(IAAF), two years in advance.
faces, implements and equipment built for use in
international competitions conform to IAAF speci-
1. Sylvie Barlag (Netherlands),
fi cations and therefore guarantees the validity of the
2. Jose Luis De Carlos (Spain)
performances and the quality of the product.
3. Imre Matrahazi - IAAF Technical Manager
It was the Technical team’s duty to ensure that
all athletics items used in the Championships, from e initial list had Luis Saladie (Spain) who was re-
equipment to track surfaces were of the requisite placed by Imre Matrahazi.
standard, manufactured in accordance with IAAF
technical requirements, and, most importantly, Photo Finish Judge
guarantee the safety of the athletes.
Ville Aho (Finland)
Sports Kenya
International starter:
Sports Kenya being the main body that runs Sports
in the country, played a central role in the Technical Ubiratan Martins (Brazil)
and Competition Directorate. ey provided trained
personnel who understood the venues and had ex- International technical offi cials (ITO’s)
perienced with the facilities.
Sports Kenya handed over the facility to LOC in In addition to the appointment of various Technical
good time which enabled proper standardization of Delegates, IAAF was required to appoint key
the venues as required by IAAF. International Technical Offi cials (ITOs) to assist the