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dinated seamlessly to deliver a fun fi lled event. H. E itation of artists and allot them access to key areas
the fi rst Lady Margaret Kenyatta received the former that pertain to delivery of their performances
athletes, acknowledging their contribution Kenya’s • Security chain of command should be clearly
historical prowess in athletics and taking time to communicated to ease contacts in the event of
take photos with them. emergencies.
Present and past athletes filed onto the track and Farewell Banquet
were led into a jig by Sarakasi dancers and drummers
as spirals and confetti went up the air around them. e Farewell Dinner was the last side event orga-
is was followed by photo opportunities with the nized for the championships. Set in an emotionally
young participants taking selfi es among them and charged atmosphere outside the fi eld opposite the
Amphitheatre Hall, the volunteers, Local Organizing
with pioneering Kenyan athletes for about an hour.
ereafter, athletes, offi cials, IAAF and LOC family
committee and local officials bid farewell to the
members made their way to the athletes’ village for
Athletes and officials from 130 countries, at the
grand farewell function held on 16th July at Kenyatta
the farewell banquet which was scheduled to begin
at 2100hrs.
Dinner concept
What worked
Inspired by the LOC Secretariat Head of Operation’s
• e production was superbly executed, delivering
satisfactory entertainment value and involvement
desire for a party look and feel, IMG suggested a shift
of guests of honour, former national athletes and
from the traditional Gala Dinner set-up of round-
participating athletes.
table seating, buff et and band. We proposed a high-
• e record-breaking audience turn out created a
energy, modern, fun approach ideal for socializing,
euphoric and unforgettable atmosphere, a perfect
mingling and creating a truly memorable experience
for everybody.
backdrop to the closing ceremony
• Coordination between the event production and
event presentation teams ensured a seamless
Wooden Crates with cushions.
Challenges • Low seating area – Hay seats covered with Masaai,
• Middle setup – Easy sitting - Safari chairs with
• Due to challenges in accreditation, performing • High level – Rustic cocktail tables and stools.
low round tables, long rustic benches with tables.
artists were denied access into the stadium, ne-
cessitating the intervention of security heads and • Vip seating area – A second 20* 20metres A-Frame
LOC Secretariat Head of Operations. tent to seat 300 VIP’s. Exquisite VIP area setup
• Spectators turned out in huge numbers, fi lling the was a combination of Lounge seating and cocktail
stadium to capacity. is created a challenge in tables with stools.
crowd control as throngs were locked out of the
stadium. Food:
• There was a security breach minutes after the
closing ceremony where pilferers made their way • Sarova Hotels set up various food stations serving
onto the track where athletes were gathered. A a variety of dishes.
few theft incidences were reported. • Food at the Farewell Dinner was served from
active food stations. Guests were encouraged to
Recommendations use smaller plates and to visit each of the food
stations in turn; savoring the unique cuisine at
• Accreditation directorate should prioritize accred- each station.