Page 19 - World Under 18 Championship
P. 19



               First Lady of Kenya Mrs Margaret Kenyatta (third from right)  as patron of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) of the IAAF WU18 Championships,
               hands the symbolic key of the Athletes Village to LOC chief executive o   cer Mr Mwangi Muthee, once hosts Kenyatta University had the
               establishment ready for the games. Looking on are, from left,  KU acting vice-chancellor Prof Paul Wainaina, KU council chairman Prof Migot
               Adhola, Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts (MOSCA) Dr Hassan Wario and Principal Secretary in MOSCA Amb Peter

                       vided by the Ministry of Sports, Culture and the Arts
                                                                     everyone in awe about his knowledge of managing
                       (MOSCA) and I would like to extend many thanks
                                                                     athletics. He is Kenya’s pride of effi  ciency already
                       for their dedication. While benefitting from per-  Director of Technical and Competition matters had
                       sonnel skills of MOSCA, the LOC appreciated the
                                                                     acknowledged by the IAAF who retain his services as
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     director of the Regional Development Centre (RDC,
                       support of staff  seniors, initially Principal Secretary
                                                                     based at Moi International Sports Centre, Nairobi) for
                       Ambassador Richard Ekai and his successor Amb
                       Kirimi Kaberia and the Ministry’s Cabinet Secretary
                                                                     Liaising with IAAF and her partners on technical
                       Dr Hassan Wario.    e LOC also thank most sincerely   English Speaking Sub-Saharan African countries.
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                       leaders and staff  of Sports Kenya also for their role.  partners, Mr Hussein had everyone in the LOC con-
                                                                     fident that everything in that department flowed
                          anks to key motivators of the LOC          like clock-work.
                       The LOC chairman Gen Tuwei led from the front,   LOC Patron H.E Mrs Margaret Kenyatta and
                       like a true soldier; encouraging and never brokering   HE Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta
                         Kenyatta University under a totally committed   After many long months of meeting, talking, plan-
                       acting vice-chancellor Prof Paul Wainaina deliv-  ning, corresponding with the IAAF and hosting in
                       ered an Athletes Village roundly praised by the IAAF   Nairobi the world body’s technical delegates who
                       and visitors from the rest of the world. In particu-  were apprehensive and demanded concrete assur-
                       lar, gratitude goes out to other individuals at KU   ance that Nairobi would indeed meet her obligation
                       that ought to be singled by name including: Prof   to stage the WU18 Championships, at a point there
                       Onywera, Dr Gakuru,                           was serious doubt that the event would happen in
                         In the LOC itself, even though I have mentioned   our country. But with barely six months to the com-
                       the concerted commitment of all heads and assistant   petition dates, the LOC had the saving grace. The
                       heads of the directorates, by Mr Ibrahim Hussein,   LOC Patron, Her Excellency First Lady of Kenya Mrs

                                                     ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 19
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