Page 15 - World Under 18 Championship
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                       Uhuru Kenyatta, who is the Commander in Chief of   Mwangi Muthee. The Government also wishes to
                       the Armed Forces of Kenya.                    acknowledge the unswerving support from the NCG,
                         H.E The President showed his enthusiasm for   Corporates, and individuals.
                       making this event a success when he agreed to have      e media has played an important role in helping
                       her Excellency the First Lady, Margaret Kenyatta   to realise this  successful IAAF World event, helping
                       to be the Patron of the World IAAF under 18 Youth   us to demonstrate that we can achieve what may
                       Championships. We also wish to acknowledge the   appear difficult. The media in turn has positively
                       eff ort made by the Deputy President, H.E William   advertised this event. It is my pleasure to wish all
                                                                     participants and their offi  cials the best of stays in
                       Ruto, in ensuring that programmes of the event are
                       up to date.
                                                                       May the best win. Karibuni sana
                         All these arrangements and programmes would
                       not have been successful without the many sacrifi ces
                                                                     Hon Dr. Hassan Wario Arero, PhD, EGH
                       and eff orts made by the Local Organizing Committee,
                                                                     Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Sports, Culture &    e Arts
                       led by Athletics Kenya President Jackson Tuwei and

                      KENYA  YEARBO0K

                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                     ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 15
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