Page 11 - World Under 18 Championship
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                       World Championships, Commonwealth Games and   IAAF drawn from all over the world, our own vol-
                       All Africa Games, will be at Moi International Sports   unteers and IAAF and LOC partners. Our intent is
                       Centre to mingle with and inspire young athletes of   to be competent in organisation. If we do it we will
                       today during the World U18 Championships.     make a fi rm statement that there is emerging ability
                         Because we are at home, our youngsters will ben-  and appetite for staging big world sports events. It
                       efi t from a full entry in every event discipline at these   will also energise those in our country, East Africa
                       championships with furious competition having   and Africa as whole to seek limitless business op-
                       taken place for team places. Look out for those in   portunities around sport.
                                                                       Africa has previously had the honour of hosting six
                       the technical events such as hurdling, jumping and
                                                                     IAAF World Athletics Series events: fi ve IAAF World
                       throwing as we are probably in for major surprises.
                                                                     Cross Country championships: Morocco twice (1975
                         Preparing for these championships has been no
                                                                     Rabat, 1998 Marrakech), 1996, Stellenbosch (South
                       mean task. Closer to the deadlines the LOC seri-
                                                                     Africa), 2007, Mombasa (Kenya) and 2017, Kampala
                       ously needed help and a confi dence booster. We were
                                                                     (Uganda) and the IAAF WU18 Championships in
                       overwhelmed when the nation rallied in support,
                                                                     Marrakech (Morocco) in 2005.
                       many contributing immensely.
                                                                       If Kenya stages a World U18 Championships of
                         I take the opportunity to sincerely applaud His
                                                                     quality to the approval of the world, the LOC al-
                       Excellency President Uhuru Kenya and Patron of
                                                                     ready has lofty ambitions that the country might
                       the Championships and Her Excellency First Lady
                                                                     bid to host a future edition of the IAAF World U20
                       Margaret Kenyatta, a true sports person in her own
                         I also thank the relevant Government ministries
                                                                       Welcome all and please feel at home and enjoy the
                       including the Offi  ce of the President,    e Treasury,
                                                                     sport and your stay in Kenya.
                       Interior, Foreign Aff airs, Education, Transport, ICT   Championships. Why not as soon as the 2020 edi-
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       and Tourism.
                                                                     Mwangi Muthee
                         There is still a lot to be done during the cham-
                                                                        e LOC Chief Executive Offi  cer
                       pionships and we rely and greatly appreciate the
                                                                     IAAF World U18 Championships, Nairobi 2017
                       invaluable support of technical experts from the
                       EDITORIAL BOARD

                                                      ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 11
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