Page 7 - World Under 18 Championship
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                                                                     try to have hosted these Championships, as back
                                                                     in 2005 Morocco staged the then World Youth
                                                                     Championships, nevertheless this edition in the
                                                                     Kenyan capital marks another important organ-
                                                                     isational step for Africa to organising the senior IAAF
                                                                     World Championships.
                                                                       Teams from over 100 countries have gathered
                                                                     here in Nairobi for fi ve days of athletics at the Moi
                                                                     International Sports Centre, Kasarani, for what
                                                                     promises to be a marvellous celebration of youth
                                                                     athletics.    e host team cheered on by a passionate
                                                                     audience, who know a thing or two about top class
                                                                     middle and long distance running, can be expected
                                                                     to add to their historic tally of 43 gold medals won at
                                                                     the nine previous editions of these Championships.
                                                                       I look forward to the Championships and the op-
                                                                     portunity to soak in the sporting culture of a country
                                                                     which lives and breathes running. In many respects
                                                                     visiting Kenya represents a pilgrimage to one of the
                                                                     temples of athletics which, from the fi rst Olympic
                                                                     triumphs of  Amos  Biwott,  Kipchoge  Keino  and
                                                                     Naftali Temu in the 1960s, have produced some of
                                                                     the world’s greatest endurance athletes.
                      KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                       On behalf of the IAAF, I would like to thank the
                                                                     Kenyan people for extending such a warm welcome
                                                                     to the global athletics family and to acknowledge
                                                                     everyone who has helped make these championships
                       EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     possible including the Ministry of Sports, Culture and
                                                                     the Arts, Nairobi County Government, the Offi  cial
                                                                     Partners and Suppliers of this World Athletics Series

                          t gives me great pleasure to write this foreword   event, Asics, Seiko, TDK and Mondo, and the Local
                                                                     Organising Committee and Athletics Kenya and their
                          to the Offi  cial Programme of the IAAF World U18   partners and suppliers.
                       IChampionships Nairobi 2017.    ese World U18   I wish the young athletes competing this week,
                       Championships mark an historic moment for Kenyan   many of whom will be travelling abroad for the fi rst
                       athletics as they are the fi rst global track and fi eld   time in their lives, an enjoyable experience and,
                       championships that the country has ever staged.   along with the coaches, offi  cials, media and spec-
                       Kenya’s only previous experience as a host of an   tators, a successful and memorable time at the IAAF
                       IAAF World Athletics Series event was in 2007 when   World U18 Championships Nairobi 2017.
                       the port city of Mombasa was the venue for the IAAF
                       World Cross Country Championships.            Lord Sebastian Coe
                         While Kenya is not the first African coun-  IAAF President

                                                      ACTIVITIES AND OCCURENCES DURING WORLD U18 CHAMPIONSHIPS  | 7
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