Page 211 - GMDSS GOC 2017_1
P. 211
Gmdss/Goc Praktisk muntlig demoeksamen 2
Du skal demonstrere din kompetanse innen GMDSS ved å løse alle oppgaver i dette
oppgavesettet. Skolens live-utstyr, simulator og oppslagsverk er tilgjengelig. Maksimum
tidsforbruk er 55 minutter.
Når du løser oppgavene må du forholde deg til oppgitt posisjon/område. Når du i praksis skal
gjennomføre kommunikasjonen, må du forholde deg til skolen posisjon/område.
Lykke til!
You are supposed to demonstrate your skills according to GMDSS. You must solve all the
tasks in this assignment. The live equipment, simulator and reference work of this school are
available.Maximum time available is 55 minutes.
The position/area of your ship in this assignment must be taken into consideration during all
the tasks. In the cases you shall carry out communication on the air (live) you must consider
the position/area of your college.
Good luck!
Voyage: From Cape Town, South Africa via Reunion tom Mumbai, India.
18 people on board.
Role: Responsible officer on watch.
IMO number: 9235062 DWT: 37620
Name of ship: JO SEQUOIA Type of ship: Chemical/oil product tanker
Call Sign: LAVB5 Year of build: 2003
MMSI: 258611000 Flag: NIS
Gross tonnage: 23129 Status of ship: In service/commission