Page 44 - GMDSS GOC 2017_1
P. 44


              Eksempel på takseringsinfo for Vizada (Eik jordstasjon)

              Vizada (EIK) opplyser at stort sett alle kundene deres har avtale med en av forhandlerne som setter sine egne
              priser, men tabellene nedenfor viser Vizada’s anbefalte sluttbruker priser (24.08.2011).
              Prices in US$ (excl. VAT)
              Minimum call durat° and increments           Incr.                 Min Call Dur
              Voice                                        30s                   60s
              ISDN – HSD                                   30s                   60s
              MPDS                                         0,01 Mb               0,01 Mb
              Inm-C                                        As specified below
              Inm-M telephony Peak                         $ 3,65           /min
              Mini-M Standard – normal Dish                $ 2,40           /min
              Mini-M Standard Big Dish                     $ 2,15           /min
              Fleet voice Peak                             $ 2,52           /min
              Fleet 9.6 fax                                $ 3,30           /min
              Fleet 9.6 data                               $ 3,30           /min
              Fleet Mobile ISDN                            $ 8,29           /min
              Fleet 128kbps ISDN                           $ 15,95          /min
              Fleet MPDS                                   $ 4,10           /Mbit
              Inm-C Messaging                              $ 0.18           /256bit
              Inm-C Multi-Adressing 1st call               $ 0.18           /256bit
              Inm-C Internet-C                             $ 0.16           /256bit
              Inm-C Positive delivery notif.               $ 0.18           /256bit
              Inm-C SafetyNet                              $ 0.12           /256bit
              Inm-C FleetNet                               $ 0.64           /256bit

              Inm-C Polling with text + DNID Download      $ 0.64           /poll
              Inm-C Data report small, 1-8 bytes = 1       $ 0.036          /report
              Inmarsat –M/Flee/mM voice
              Quiet Time (UTC) –Off peak*
              Region                                        From                   To
                                                AOR-W       23:00                  07:00
                                                AOR-E       22:00                  06:00
                                                IOR         19:00                  03:00
                                                POR         19:00                  03:00
              Fees                                 Price                           per
              Activation Fee                       $ 50.00                         /activation
              Monthly Fee                          $ 45.00                         /month
              Fixed IP Address                     $ 30.00                         /address
              Monthly Fee – C                      Price                           per
              Fixed to Mobile service              $ 7.00                          /month
              Group Call service                   $ 3.50                          /month
              Data Reporting                       $ 3.50                          /month

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