Page 46 - GMDSS GOC 2017_1
P. 46
Standard Marine Communication Phrases
Standard Marine Communication Phrases, forkortet SMCP, er utviklet av International
Maritime Organization (IMO), og er standard ord og begreper brukt i maritim
radiokommunikasjon for å oppnå en mest mulig presis, enkel og effektiv måte å kommunisere
på med minst mulig forvirring og misforståelser som kan få alvorlige konsekvenser. Her er
noen eksempler:
ADVICE The following message indicates that the sender wishes to recommend
CORRECT An error has been made
ETA Estimated time of arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure
INTENTION Indicates that the following message informs others about immediat
navigational action intendet to be taken.
MAYDAY Distress signal.
OVER Expect reply
OUT Termination of working, no reply expected
PAN PAN Urgency signal
QUESTION A question follows after
RADIO CHECK Request strength and clarity of transmission
READ BACK Receiving station read back information
RECEIVED Acknowledge receipt of transmission
REQUEST Indicates that the following message is asking for action from others
SAY AGAIN Repeat part or all of message
SECURITE Safety signal
SEELONCE FEENEE Normal working
SEELONCE MAYDAY Keep radio silence
SPELL Spelling the next word phonetically
STATION CALLING Unsure of the identity of calling station
THIS IS Indentification of station calling follows
TRAFFIC Radio traffic