Page 47 - May 2019
P. 47
Feature Story
Combat Operations which have been Operations Division
Division is the ‘plan meticulously planned played a critical role
execution’ phase of the from the strategic linking the wider Air
Air Tasking Cycle. through to tactical Force to operations.
Former Deputy levels, providing over- “We are the key
Chief Combat sight and direction from linkage between all Air
Operations SQNDLR DGAIR,” SQNLDR Force elements con-
Patrick Greentree Greentree said. ducting operations,
said executing RAAF “We also provide and HQJOC,” he said.
operations gave him a the Diplomatic “As our Air Force
great insight into what Clearance function for units carry out their
our Air Force achieved our aircraft landing in assigned tasks, we
every day.“ other countries, and provide over-arching 3. COMBAT
Combat Operations the search-and-rescue guidance to ensure OPERATIONS
is a very dynamic response for the entire they are clear with
environment – no ADF.” what we’re directing DIVISION
day is the same. We SQNLDR them to do, which is
execute operations Greentree said Combat often at short notice.”
Command, Control, Tasking Order, we can
Communications conducting domestic
and Computers (C4) and regional operations
is responsible for or exercises,” LAC
producing the Air Cannon said.
Tasking Order for “The AOC is a
Combat Plans Division. good posting to gain
Tactical Systems an understanding of Air
Operator LAC Troy Force operations from
4. COMMAND, CONTROL, Cannon said the Air higher headquarters.
Tasking Order outlined
“It helped me gain
COMMUNICATIONS & to all Air Force units what an understanding of
effects needed to be the big picture and
COMPUTERS achieved for operations why commanders
and exercises. make the decisions
“W it h t he A ir they do.”
The Joint Personnel a 24-hour-a-day job, produce personnel
Recovery team with one of the team recovery and SAR
covers the spectrum always on shift to plans for ADF exercises
of recovery operations coordi-nate requests and op-erations,
from search-and- for assistance. and pass them on to
rescue (SAR) in “We coordinate relevant units.
non-threatening SAR responses as “R e ce ntly, w e
environments through they happen, including coordinated a SAR
to combat SAR and requests for assistance plan for an injured
sp e ci a l re co very from civilian authorities civilian yachtsman
operations in hostile and monitoring any off WA and our plans 5. JOINT
environments. ADF SAR beacon were used by the P-8A
Staff Officer Joint activations,” SQNLDR Poseidon crew to PERSONNEL
Personnel Recovery Fishpool said. conduct their tactical RECOVERY
SQNDLR Peter “As part of the Air search and rescue
Fishpool said SAR is Tasking Cycle, we mission.