Page 50 - May 2019
P. 50
Young Eagles prepare to soar
6 Wing Radio-Controlled Aircraft Course
In February, a preparatory weekend was
held at the Gawler Air Force Cadets
depot in South Australia, starting a small
group of Cadets on their pathway to
earning their ‘wings’. This training will
now lead on to a formal radio-controlled
aircraft course, a flying camp for those
interested in learning about and flying
radio-controlled fixed-wing aircraft.
Flying Officer (AAFC) Paul
Rosenzweig, Public Affairs and
Communication Officer for Aviation
Operations Wing, AAFC said: “A pilot
course was run in 2017 to assess the
course structure and content, in order
to make any necessary adjustments for
future courses.”
On completion of the course,
comprising theoretical instruction and
practical flying experience, Cadets who 6 Wing Air Force Cadets learnt about radio-controlled aircraft during a preparation day
achieve the necessary standards may at the Gawler Depot (L-R): Leading Cadet Connor Bonham (608 SQN, Gawler), Leading
be eligible to receive the Bronze Wings Cadet Adomas Neocleous (609 SQN, Warradale), Leading Cadet Tristan Hahn (605
awarded by the Model Aeronautical SQN, Seaford) and Cadet Corporal Timothy Cox (608 SQN).
Association of Australia (MAAA) for Aircraft (L-R): Apprentice-S SAFE high wing trainer, Hangar 9 ‘Alpha’ 40-size high wing
modellers flying models under 2 kg. trainer, and Seagull ‘Boomerang’ TF4050 40-size high wing trainer.
This preparation activity was run
by Sergeant (AAFC) Shayne O’Hara.
Shayne served as a cadet in the Air
Training Corps in the 1970s and attained
the rank of Cadet Flight Sergeant, and
has now completed 17 years’ service
as an Instructor of Cadets. He has a
background in performance vehicles,
and motor sport and classic cars, and
through his active role in go-cart racing
earned three medals in the Australian
Masters. He maintains an active interest
in aircraft modelling.
Sergeant O’Hara said: “We’ve put a
lot of work into developing this course,
and it’ll be great to see it get off the
As an air-minded youth organisation,
the AAFC has the mission of developing
young Australians in a military and
aviation environment. Seagull ‘Boomerang’ TF4050 40-size high wing trainer, with a .40 glow-powered engine,
This training is being offered by previously constructed by members of No 608 (Town of Gawler) SQN, AAFC.
No 906 Aviation Training Squadron
in conjunction with No 608 (Town of motivated instructors to join the team lifestyle. Part-time volunteer positions
Gawler) Squadron. – with excellent people skills and a are available now. Experience as a
No 906 Aviation Training Squadron passion for youth training, aviation military officer or NCO is preferred but
is always looking for qualified and and an appreciation of the military not essential.