Page 130 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
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Carrousels of Washington, D.C.
good frien
Good food, good drinks
Good food, good drinks and good friends WE CELEB RA TE OUR
In August, Carrousel Jeannette Carrousel sisters!
Conrad Ellis held our
wonderful Martha’s Vineyard
Brunch at her beautiful home
on the Vineyard, inviting the
Carrousels on the island
to enjoy good food, drink, Carrousel Gail McDonald received an Executive Certificate in
Health Administration from University of Scranton.
and company on
a sunny summer day. Carrousel Stacee Bain Crittenden was named to Forbes’ “Top
Women Wealth Advisors, Best-in-State” list, February 2022.
the passing of always in our heartsalways in our hearts that spanned almost 50 years in education, government affairs,
Carrousel Brenda Atkinson-Willoughby retired from a career
politics, and higher education.
We were saddened by Carrousel Gail Coles Johnson turned her retirement on its head,
Carrafella Lewis Kurtz joining The Executive Leadership Council as its Chief Human Going forward,
(husband of Resources Officer, and also joining the Board of Directors of the Washington,
Carrousel Gwen Kurtz) digital imaging company Electronics For Imaging, Inc. (EFI).
in August of 2021, Carrousel Kim Alfonso was very busy this year – she was D.C. Chapter hopes
Carrafella Blaine White selected for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 small businesses
(husband of program, and was also awarded The Humanitarian Award by to round out our
Carrousel Virlynn the DC Metro Hispanic Contractors Association for co-founding club year with the
Atkinson-White) "Close the Gap", a food insecurity program for undocumented
in September of 2021, immigrants in Washington, D.C. addition of new
and Carrousel Bette
Catoe Strudwick, In December, we truly let the members.
mother of
Our Carrakids stay in our hearts
Carrousel Chris holiday spirit get into our chapter. Our C a rr a kids sta y in our hea rts
Strudwick-Turner, We let our Emeritus members a nd c on tinue to ma k e us pr oud!
and continue to make us proud!
in February of this year. know they are in our thoughts
Carrousel Bette and hearts, delivering special Carrousel Brenda Atkinson-Willoughby’s son, Charles
was a Charter Member gifts to each one of them. We Willoughby, Jr. (Chip), was awarded the Patricia J. Smoot Award
of our Chapter, also had a fun Holiday party at by the Assistant US Attorney (AUSA) Association of the District
served as Carrousel Jeannette Conrad Ellis’ of Columbia.
National President from lovely home, enjoying our white Carrousel Beth Williams Pryor’s daughter Paige begins her
1988-1990, graduate studies this fall at the London School of Economics. Stay
and was an active elephant exchange. Carrousel Tisha Hyter’s son, Ace, graduated from college in
and dedicated member May, and her daughter, Ten Stallings, was married in a beautiful tuned!
of the Carrousels. wedding ceremony on February 20, 2022, in Napa Valley,
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