Page 128 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
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Carrousels of Washington, D.C.
What's up
Washington, D.C. We stayed in touch using the
Chapter of the
W ashington Carrousels, Inc. WhatsApp tool to wish members
Happy Birthday, congratulate or
continues to
cheer them on, or to send prayers
thrive and find and well wishes. We used our virtual
chapter meetings to have fun and
ways to have fun
educate ourselves, from a video on
and camaraderie Fall Fashion Trends to presentations
D.C. as the pandemic on wellness issues for women.
continues on! Our
Carrousel sisters
continued to reach Always mindful
out to each other
and found ways of staying safe,
to stay safe and
we managed to spend time with each other. Our social committee and our
get together and members too, were at work all year long – with pop-up Happy Hours at Charlie
enjoy each other’s Palmer’s Steakhouse DC in May, quick lunches or dinners with each other, and our
company. “Pop-Up Games Night” at the home of Carrousel Stacee Bain Crittenden in March.
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