Page 45 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
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Carrousels of Dallas, Texas

 Carrousel Stephanie
 Carrafella Ronnell Bright of Dallas  FAMILY GET-TOGETHERS
                                                              & fun times

                                                                                    Top: Carrousel Gail Williams and Carrafella
                                                                                         Joe fun family Mardi Gras celebration

 SO MUCH TO BE   is recovering after having been ill for several months.
 Carrousel Stephanie Bright
 thankful for  We wish her continued strength and progress                           Bottom: Dallas Carrousel Gail Williams

 as her health improves.
                                                                                     with friends and family at The Inkwell
                                                                                     Beach on Martha’s Vineyard
 On August 13, 2021, Carrousel Stephanie and   Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Potential of NFTs.”
 Carrafella Ronnell welcomed their third grandchild,  Carrafella Ronnell, and his company, Bright

 Camryn Rose Hughes. Camryn is the youngest of   Consulting Solutions, along with his alumni chapter
 proud parents Harold and Tiffany Hughes.   Kappa Alpha Psi (SAAC), NCNW and several other
 Additionally, Carrousel Stephanie and Carrafella   organizations, facilitated “Good Health Wins Vac-  Carrousel Gail and Carrafella Joe Williams were   and meet new ones. Carrousel Gail relaxed with
 Ron are excited that their daughter, Tiffany Bright   cines, Veggies and Votes Health Fair on February 27,   blessed to move into their downsized new home   yoga at Inkwell each morning, and long walks with
 Hughes, currently a Doctoral candidate at the   2022 at Macedonia Baptist Church in San Antonio,   in November 2021 after 12 months of pandemic   her girlfriends. Back home in Dallas, they celebrated
 University of Texas at Austin, published an article   TX. This collaboration was designed to serve and   related building delays. In July, Carrousel Gail   Mardi Gras with family while enjoying gumbo,
 in October 2021 in the National Association of   assist the community with health education and   took a road trip to New Orleans accompanied by   king cake, and other New Orleans culinary treats.
 Diversity Officers in Higher Education. The article   wellness. Most recently, Carrousel Stephanie   her 13-year-old grandson who was a great travel   Everyone was blinged in colorful bead necklaces
 entitled, “Imagine Paying for a Course, Then You   will serve as a panelist at the 2022 Greater San   companion. During the trip, family members joined   and decorative masks. While they are grateful that
 End of Teaching: Black Woman Doctoral Students in   Antonio Women in Leadership Symposium,   them for a mini family reunion, resulting in lots of   their daughter and grandchildren are healthy, they
 Equity, Social Justice, and Diversity Courses.”  Also,   “Paragon of Womanhood: Restoration,   laughs! Last August, Carrousel Gail and Carrafella   continue to pray for safety and health for the world.
 during October 2021, son-in-love Harold Hughes   Regeneration, and Reemergence.”  Joe took their annual trip to Martha’s Vineyard and   Meanwhile, Carrafella Joe is still enjoying his position
 was featured in the article, “The   Cape Cod to visit and reconnect with old friends   as a Financial Advisor at Morgan Stanley.

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