Page 62 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
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Carrousels of Houston, Texas
                                                                                       News                                                                          Carrousel Cora

           Love is in
           Love is in                                                                                                                                                Robinson and
                                                                                       Carrousel Carolyn Whitney                      Carrousel Traci Bransford-     Carrafella Judson III
                                                                                       Alexander was fortunate to                     Marquis is the proud mother

            the Air                                                                    attend her 50th college reunion                of two Carrakids. Her son Pres-  spent 2021
                       the Air
                                                                                       at Alcorn State University the
                                                                                                                                      ton was accepted into Harvard
                                                                                       home of the Braves in 2021.                    as a first year law student for   preparing for
                                                                                       Even with social distancing,                   fall 2022 and daughter Prentiss   Carrakid Cortney’s
                                                                                       she said it was a wonderful time               spent last year shooting a film
                                                                                       reuniting with classmates and                  in NYC and LA entitled “The    October nuptials to
                                                                                       her Delta Sigma Theta Sorors.                  Choices We Make”! Carrousel    Mr. Garrison Jones.
                                                                                       An additional grandchild was                   Traci passed a vigorous exam
                                                                                       born in 2021 giving her six                    and is now a Professional Reg-
                                                                                       grandchildren to spoil, dote                   istered Parliamentarian (PRP)   The wedding was held
                                                                                       and babysit.                                   with the National Association   at the historic Third
                                                                                                                                      of Parliamentarians (NAP) and   Ward Saint Mary of
                                                                                       Carrousel Venetta Armstrong
                                                                                       went to Chicago for a long                     was elected to second vice     the Purification Cath-
                                                                                       weekend in July. She had a                     president of the Green Gavel   olic Church. The vows        (L-R) Catherine Blackwell-Garner, Cora Robinson (Mother of
                                                                                       wonderful time visiting                        Electronic Unit (GGEU) for a   were conducted by His         the Bride), Ramona Moore, Gigi Parker, Serena Harmon,
                                                                                       Carrousels, sightseeing and                    two-year term.                                                  Lorraine Winslow, Gail Kennedy (Dallas Chapter),
                                                                                       enjoying great food!...ready                   Emeritus Member Carrousel      Excellency, the Most                  Venetta Armstrong, LeCresha Peters
                                                                                       for a repeat in 2022                           Nathene Caldwell has told      Reverend Curtis John
                                                                                                                                      us that retirement has given   Guillory S.V. D., and D. D.,   Carrousels truly enjoyed themselves celebrating
                                                                                       Carrousel Sherrie and Carrafella
                                                                                       Dwight Batro celebrated                        her a “second wind” and has    Bishop Emeritus of the       the newly married couple at a dinner dance that
                                                                                       Sherrie’s retirement with a                    returned to work for Lone Star   Roman Catholic Diocese     followed later that evening. The newlyweds are
                                                                                       holiday in Cabo San Lucas                      Legal Aid. All work is virtual,   of Beaumont (Texas).      beginning married life in the Chicago area.
                                                                                       Mexico. Sherrie retired as the                 and she is in her pajamas until
                                                                                       Director of Human Resources                    10 in the morning when she
                                                                                       for the Aldine Independent                     takes a break! She is a happy
                                          Carrakid Jordan Sterling popped the question   School District after a career of            camper.                                                                 Carrousel Ramona Carter
                                                     and received a YES!               40 years in education. Carrafella              Emeritus Member Carrousel              Carrousel Ramona’s Carrakids
                                                                                       Dwight spends his free time                    Cheryl Cash and Carrafella            Justin (left) and Rahmon (right)   Moore celebrated her first
                                         Carrousel Lorraine Breckenridge-Sterling and   teaching their granddaughter                  William celebrated November             with granddaughter Rielle
                                         Carrafella Leroy Sterling were very pleased   to play golf. He wants her to                  with grandson Christopher                                               grandchild Rielle’s first
                                         with the accomplishments of their three       share his passion!                             Lowe being presented as a                                               birthday in November
                                         Carrakids in 2021!                                                                           Beau with the Sugar Land
                                                                                       Carrousel Toni Bransford and                                                                                           and can hardly wait for
                                         Their eldest, Jordan, planned a surprise      Carrafella Kevin Bedford spent                 Chapter of Jack and Jill, In-
     Carrousel Catherine's Carrakid Darian's   weekend engagement celebration for his now   2021 chauffeuring their Carrakid          corporated and in December                                              granddaughter Taliah
          engagement picture taken       fiancé Chloe in Malibu, California. Both families   Kaitlyn to dancing, gymnastics           saw granddaughter Kennedy                                               to turn one in May 2022!
           In Toronto, Canada site of    attended and are looking forward to the       and as a team member to swim                   Camille presented to society
       their destination wedding in 2022  wedding in 2023.                             practice, and assisting with                   as a 2021 Houston Chapter
                                         Due to the pandemic, Carrakid Alyson had a    virtual schooling… full time                   of Jack and Jill, Incorporated                                          In addition to spending time
                                                                                                                                      debutante. Two evenings these
                                         drive by at her parents’ home to celebrate her   jobs! Carrousel Toni also re-               grandparents will never forget!                                         with her granddaughters,
     Carrousel Catherine Blackwell Garner   29th birthday. Everyone received assorted   ceived a promotion to Vice Pres-
     and Carrafella Michael Garner are   petit fours and a “goodie bag”.               ident of Development for Imara,                Emeritus Member Carrousel                                               Carrousel Ramona has found a
     excited and looking forward to their   Jared, the youngest, received his college   Incorporated. Congratulations!                Margot Charles enjoyed 2021                                             second career as “fulfilment
     daughter Darian’s upcoming          diploma from Kansas State University. He is the   Emeritus Member Carrousel                  spending more time with her
     nuptials to be held in Toronto, Canada   third generation of Carrousel Lorraine’s family   Gladys Bransford and Carrafella       eight-year old great grandson.                                          manager” for her Carrakid Justin’s
     in August 2022.                     to graduate from the university!              Paris are thrilled having their                She even took him to the Big                                            company, Holly Hall Supply
     As doting grandparents, they        Carrafella Lee is a well-regarded cardiologist in   daughters just a touch away.             Apple to see the Christmas                                              Company (
                                                                                                                                      lights and store displays.
     celebrated their only granddaughter   St. Thomas, USVI.  In 2021, he was promoted   Carrousel Sharon Butcher even
     Leah’s tenth birthday in Chicago,   to Chief of Medicine at Schneider Regional    though virtual, enjoyed attend-                Emeritus Member Carrousel                                               This is a company supplying a full
     Illinois. Every year, Carrakid Leah   Medical Center.                             ing her first Carrousel National               Jacqueline Hatfield went to         Carrousel Ramona truly              line of skin care products for
     gets to choose a birthday destination                                             Convention and loved her                       the Washington, D. C. area over
     for the family.                                                                   swag bag. She is truly looking                 the summer for her nephew’s       remained busy during 2021.            ladies and men.
                                                                                       forward to the next one in 2023.               wedding and spent time with
     62                                                                                                                               family on the east coast.                                                                                 63
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