Page 91 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
P. 91

Car r ousels o f  Ne w  Or leans,  L ouisiana
                                                                                     Carrousels of New Orleans, Louisiana


 Carrousel Charlotte Henderson   CARROUSELS HAVING FUN
 welcomed a great granddaughter
 on February 28, 2022 in   Carrousels got together recently at the home of Carrousel Tina
 Baltimore, Maryland.   Jackson for a little food, champagne, and fun. Carrousel Tina’s   IN MEMORIAM
            house was beautifully decorated in time for Easter. After two
 Sai Anne White was   years of zoom meetings, we were so excited to finally meet in   Carrousel Cheryl Renee Teamer
 eight pounds 5 ounces   person. I can truly say it was the best time our chapter has had   died on 8/21/2021. Cheryl was a
 and 21inches long.   in years. We chose to celebrate the birthday of Carrousel Irene   talented attorney and executive,
            Mumford Tucker who will be 90 years young in November.                 as well as a fierce advocate for the
 Congratulations to the proud great grandmother.  Carrousel Charlotte read a proclamation dedicating the year   hospitality industry. She leaves
            2022 in the name of Carrousel Irene Mumford Tucker. She was so         to mourn her passing her dad,
            happy.                                                                 Charles Teamer and two brothers
 Sai Anne White        Isn’t that what every chapter does for                      Charles Jr and Roderick.

                            their members who turn 90?                             Carrousel Kathleen Ferrouillet
                                                                                   Doley died on 6/18/2021. Always
            CARROUSEL GET TOGETHER                                                 smiling, she was a wonderful

            Carrousel sisters, Barbara Carmon, Brendolyn McKenna, Elsie            friend and will be missed dearly
            Bouchette, Jackie Simon and Pat Brooks gathered together in            by friends and family. Carrousel
            November for a long overdue face to face visit to City Park.           Kathleen leaves to mourn her
            Although the chapter had been having zoom meetings, it was so          passing her husband Carrafella
 WEDDING BELLS  nice to get together for a wonderful gathering with a tasty lunch   Keith Doley and their two
            and great cama-                                                        daughters, Kimberly, and
 Carrousel Lynn and Carrafella Leo Choptovy were
            raderie. The plan                                                      Kandace.
 excited about their daughter Jordan’s marriage   was to meet for                  Carrafella Benjamin Elbert
 to Jeremie Sery. They were married with a small   just a couple of                Blackmon, the husband of
 celebration on July 25, 2021, at Brennan’s Restaurant   hours. However,           Carrousel Janie Blackmon, died
            they were having
 in New Orleans.                                                                   on 12/27/2021. He leaves to
            such a good time                                                       mourn his passing, wife of
            eating, laughing
 The couple had recently returned from nearly two   and talking at the             fifty years, Carrousel Janie, their
                                                                                   daughter Nicole, and grandson
 years abroad in Australia, Germany, France,  Acorn Café in the                    Kameron. He will be missed by
            Children’s Muse-
 and Reunion Island, where the groom is from.                                      his family.
            um in City Park
            they ended up                                                          We continue to keep their loved
            staying till late in                                                   ones in our hearts and prayers.
            the afternoon.
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