P. 130

Political Traditions in

                                                     the Formative Period

                                                                        Taufik Abdullah

                                          The Power Structure and                 If the statement of Ibn Majid, the Arab               Let us return to the Sejarah Melayu.   development of Islam in Southeast          The graveyard of Sheikh
                                          Traditions                              sailor who carried Vasco de Gama                      Reading this story the event which was   Asia, particularly Indonesia, was part of   Yusuf al-Makassary
                                          Having failed to dispel the Portuguese   to Calcutta, on the Islamic cultural                 that probably took place about a century   “the race with Christianity”,  in the 17th   who was born in Gowa,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          July3, 1626 and who
                                          when they attacked Malacca in 1511,     situation in the 15th century bears                   before the Sejarah Melayu, had the     century Islam had practically won. Gowa-   passed away while in
                                                                                                                                                                               Tallo local traditions on Islamization
                                          the Sultan of Malacca and his army      any truth and is not just an outcry of                specific internal purpose legitimizing the   also state that Christian priests were too   exile in Cape Town on
                                          took a rest at the outskirts of the     exasperation because the socio-cultural               dynasty and as a special reminder to the   late to come from Malacca. When they   May23, 1699. He caused
                                          capital. The lasykar wanted the Hikayat   circumstances did not comply with what              authorities of their moral responsibilities.   arrived, three Minangkabau adat heads   positive changes in Cape
                                          Muhammad Hanafiyah to be read aloud     he wanted, the episode might only be an               In this atmosphere, the stories in the   had managed to embrace the king.         Town for which he was
                                          but the Sultan preferred to listen to the   invention or, more precisely, just a Malay        Sejarah Melayu may have served as      Towards the end of the 17th century, a     awarded the status of
                                          Hikayat Amir Hamzah, the legendary      literary convention. Perhaps the story                examples for rulers to emulate. The    new cultural atmosphere had become         National Hero of South
                                          story of the Prophet’s uncle. However,   is part of the efforts of the Johor palace           Sejarah Melayu can also be seen as a   increasingly established. As told in the   Africa in September
                                          because all his commanders and their    to boost the Malacca’s grandeur as the                call for the hegemony of the Palembang,   Hikayat Marong Mahawangsa, in this      2005.
                                          soldiers were adamant that their desire   builder of the foundation of the Malay              Malacca, and Johor dynasties at the    situation Sultan Iskandar Thani from       Source: Directorate of
                                          be met, in the end, it was the story    Islamic tradition.                                    Straits of Malacca.                    Aceh sent the Sirat al Mustaqim by         History and Cultural
                                          of the Prophet Muhammad’s great-        At the time the Sejarah Melayu                        The 17th century was the most          Nuruddin al-Raniri to the king of Kedah,   Values, Ministry of
                                          grandson was read.                      was written Johor, Malacca’s direct                   decisive period in the history of Islam in   who had officially become Sultan, to be   Education and Culture
                                          This is one episode in the tragic events   successor, tried to establish its political        Southeast Asia. Perhaps it was also in   the guide for the new Muslim ruler.  It   of the Republic of
                                          that befell on the once mighty maritime   hegemony in the Straits of Malacca.                 this century that Islam, as high society’s   is easy to disprove the historicity of the   Indonesia, 2007.
                                          empire Malacca as depicted in the       However, it is noteworthy that reading                cultural foundation and model, became   story mentioned above but it shows how
                                          Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals). It clearly   heroic stories during pauses on the               increasingly widespread. If Schrieke’s   important this century was in collective
                                          shows how intimately familiar the empire   battlefield is not a strange thing in              famous hypothesis is true that the     memory.
                                          was with the Islamic literary tradition   the classical Malay literary tradition.             3.  Conventionally, the dynasty started with Sri Tri   The 17th century may be seen as the
                                                                                                                                        Buwana, a prince who was supposedly a direct
                                          and the symbolic function Islamic heroic   It also seems that it was not just a               descendant of Alexander the Great (maybe this is   time when tradition of the relationships
                                          stories had in times of crisis. In other   literary convention, a tradition that was          an example of Shi’ite influence in the royal tradition   between rulers and clerics in the Malay
                                          parts of the manuscript it is told that   maintained up to the 19th century. The              of the Malay world) who had appeared in Bukit   maritime kingdoms were founded. In
                                                                                                                                        Siguntang and ended in 1699 with the murder of
                                          the sultan loved to discuss complicated   role of the Hikayat Perang Sabil (The               Sultan Mahmud II or Marhum Mangkat di Dulang.   times of intense political and economic
                                          religious issues as well. 1             Chronicle of the Holy War), by Teungku                He did not have any legitimate children. Barbara   4.  B. Schrieke, Indonesian Sociological Studies,
                                                                                  Cik Muhammad Pante Kulu during the                    W. Andaya & Leonard Y. Andaya, A History of   Part II, 232-236.
                                          1.  The Hikayat Amir Hamzah is a translation from                                             Malaysia, London: The Mc Millan Press, 1982, 76-
                                          the Persian, made may be at the end of the 15  or   Acehnese “war in the way of Allah”, for   78. But a genealogy of the Sultanate of Trengganu,   5.  R.O. Winstedt, “A History of Malay Literature”,
                                          the beginning of the 16  century. On the stories   example, is remembered until now. 2        which is attached to the manuscript of the newly   JMBRAS, 17,111 (January, 1940), 100-111. It is
                                          being read see L.F. Brakel, Hikayat Muhammad                                                  published Tuhfat-al Nafis, shows that the dynasty   certainly remembered that Kedah was Islamized
                                          Hanafiyah, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1975,   2.  On this see T. Ibrahim Alfian, Perang di Jalan   continued –through the Bendahara--- in the palace   in the 15  century whereas Nuruddin al-Raniri
                                          1977, 2 vols.                           Allah, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 1987.                  of Trengganu.                          arrived in Aceh in 1623.
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