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competition in the waters of western   “He is (Sultan Iskandar Muda) the one   sphere and that many royal symbols   said, a woman may be chosen as
 Indonesia, religious scholars who   who built the mosque Baitur Rahman and   clearly reveal the cultural influences of   queen, because “God does not want a
 probably came from other regions in the   several mosques in each manzil (region).   the Mughal palace, as Brakel showed,    false ruler for His servants”.
 Islamic world, not only acted as advisers   He hardened Islam, ordered his people   but in Aceh’s historical awareness,   Nevertheless, in a system that required
 or functioned to legitimize those in   to pray five times a day, to fast during   Iskandar Muda’s era was the period   an authoritarian but just king, a period
 power, but also acted as mediators with   Ramadan, also to fast on preferable   when Aceh’s position as the “Veranda   of relatively weak rulers started anyway.
 the outside world. Under the spiritual   days, and to get rid of all those who   of Mecca” was consolidated. Also at   From 1641 to 1699, Aceh was ruled by
 guidance of these religious scholars,   drank wine and gambled.” 6  this time, the powerful dictum “laws   four queens in a row.  It was a situation
 the rulers of the maritime trade centers   That was the “golden age of Aceh” as   and customs are like nails and flesh”   when not only Aceh’s territory had been
 saw themselves as parts of the   described by Nuruddin al-Raniri, the   was coined and Aceh’s cultural position   returned to its original borders, when
 cosmopolitan world of Islam. Political   most influential scholar at the court of   defined. This cultural definition saw   Sultan Iskandar Muda ascended the
 competition would probably never end,   Sultan Iskandar Thani (1636-1641) the   Islam as the basis of the cultural and   throne, Aceh’s politics were determined
 but culture was something they could   son in law and the successor of Sultan   political structure that positioned the   to a large extent by the Orang Kaya
 share. Therefore, it is understandable   Iskandar Muda. Snouck Hurgronje may   sultan in the center of power and   balancing of power. The clergy’s position
 that the Sejarah Melayu asserts that   have been correct when he stated that   state symbols. In this constellation,   as the king’s certifiers and supervisors
 for their worldly connections, Aceh,   Aceh’s so-called “golden age” is merely a   religious scholars were the certifiers of   survived and had even been endorsed
 Malacca, Minangkabau and others   fairy tale. Nevertheless, in addition to its   power and the formulators of reality.    by the Adat Aceh, which may be seen as
 turned to Alexander the Great, the   political and economic successes,  the   However, after his death, Iskandar   a treatise about 18th century Acehnese
 Macedonian King and the historical   quote above clearly refers to a particular   Thani left no male heir which offered   ideology. 11
 figure who had become a mythical   aspect of Aceh’s political tradition: the   the Orang Kaya (The Rich People),
 figure in the East. It was also not   king has the monopoly over initiatives.   the competing political and economic   Clerics are religious scholars. No
 surprising that the Sultanate of Sulu   Nuruddin al-Raniri, the trusted cleric of   elites, the opportunity to elect a queen   matter how great their impact, efforts
 traced its origins to the Minangkabau   Iskandar Muda’s successor, never failed   as their new ruler ---something that was   to turn religious scholars into parts of
 and Palembang. Or that the Sultan of   to offer all honors to the sultan, although   discussed hypothetically in the Tajus-  the power structure would only have
 Banten asked Mecca to confirm his   others may have contributed as well.  Salatin now had become a reality. If   10.  For a brief biography of these queens see,
 title ---a move the King of Mataram on   there was no acceptable male heir, the   Ismail Sofyan, M. Hasan Basry, and T. Ibrahira
 Java followed --- although the ruler of   Historians can probably tell of Aceh’s   manuscript from the early 17th century   Alfian (eds.), Wanita Utama Nusantara dalam
                                                 Lintasan Sejarah, Jakarta, 1994 (sponsor Bank
 the Holy Land might not have had the   inclusion in the  Indian Islamic cultural   8.  L.F. Brakel, “State and Statecraft in the I7tb   Exim). For a more complete picture see Iljas
 religious authority to do so.  6.  T. Iskandar (ed.) Nuruddin ar-Raniri: Bustanus   century Aceh”, in Anthony Reid & Lance Catles   Sutan Pamenan, Rentjong Atjeh Ditangan Wanita,
 Salatin (Bab II, Pasal 15), Kuala Lumpur, Dewan   (eds.), Pre-colonial State Systems in Southeast   Djakarta (n.p), 1959 (stencilled).
 After narrating Iskandar Muda’s various   Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1866, p. 36.   Asia, Kuala Lumpur: MBRAS, 1975, 56-66.  11.  On the relationship between kings and
 triumphs, the Bustanus Salatin (The   7.  Denys Lombard, Kerajaan Aceh: Jaman Sultan   9.  See for example H.M. Zainuddin, Tarich Atjeh   religious scholars, see G.W.J. Drewes & P.
                                                 Voorhoeve (eds.), Customary Atjeh, Leiden:
          dan Nusantara, Medan, Pustaka Iskandar Muda,
 Iskandar Muda 1607-1636 (translation), Jakarta:
 Sultans’ Garden), states that:  Balai Pustaka, 1986.   1961.   VKITLV. Vol. 24, 1958.

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