P. 137

He was arrested and exiled to Sri Lanka   strengthened the state), wari (that   (khalifatullah).  So, after two centuries   cornerstone of the community and in
 and subsequently to South Africa, where   strengthened family ties), and bicara (that   of embracing Islam, the Bugis-Makassar   personal life. In this “integrative tradition”
 he died in 1699.  oversaw arbitrary actions). Now, sara   Islamic tradition had become part of the   Islam was the dominant element in the

 Meanwhile, the king of Gowa, Sultan   (religious obligations) was also added   “Malay Islamic world”. 22  new cognitive community and within the
 Abdul Jalil, always dreamed of Sheikh   to these elements of panngadereng.   The historical experiences of the   political paradigm used to decide what
 Yusuf whom he considered a member   From the point of social institutions,   Acehnese and the Bugis-Makassar   was genuine and what was not.
 of the royal family. Therefore, in 1705   the addition of this new element was   people are only some examples of the   In this process of the formation
 the king asked the VOC to return Sheikh   formation of a tradition that started to   of these traditions, also a gradual
 Yusuf’s remains. The VOC finally fulfilled   reflected in the appointment of a parewa   take shape after Islam had become part   marginalization occurred of the old
 his request and Sheikh Yusuf was   sara (religious official) who accompanied   of the social setting and the culture that   cultural understandings and elements.
 buried in his native land. He was given   the parewa ode (the customs official).   was already there. The Islamization   Perhaps historians and anthropologists
 the title Tuanta Samalaka, or ‘blessed   Both had the same position.  Under   process of Aceh Darussalam and that of   can see that some cultural elements that
 teacher’. The king treated his relatives   the direct supervision of the king, this   the successors of Samudera Pasai, Sulu   still functioned were the continuations
 and followers in a special way,  which he   social institution, which was not only   and Maguindanao cannot be separated   of pre-Islamic traditions within the
 not only did to honor them but especially   found in Gowa-Tallo but also in the   from the founding of their own states,   traditions of integration. However,
 to strengthen the bond between the   while in Malacca, Patani and Gowa-  pre-Islamic leftovers were actually
 palace and this holy man. Perhaps   Buginese regions, not only intended   Tallo the process had taken place after   treated as part of the Islamic world. In
 more than that, in the person of Sheikh   to reconcile conflicts that might arise   these kingdoms had become relatively   the process, these elements’ meaning
 Yusuf, the king had rediscovered Gowa’s   between two sources of value (the   steady. However both show ---in different   and significance, if not their substance,
 pride, which Speelman had affronted   tradition and religion), but seems also   ways--- a tendency toward the formation   underwent a process of Islamization.
 (1669). Thus the cultural concept of   to have created social rules that should   of “integrative” styles of tradition. This   And, the search for an adequate form
 panngadereng had been realized, if only   not contravene the religious teachings   was a tradition in which Islam underwent   of orthodoxy was one of the dynamic
 symbolically.  a conceptual and structural orthogenetic   elements of the tradition of integration
 the parewa sara ‘proposed. Finally, in          which was continuously affected by
 According to the lontara Latoa,  before   18th century, South Sulawesi, which had   process of “indigenization”. Ideologically   the contemporary movement towards
 the arrival of Islam four elements   undergone a process of Islamization   Islam became an integral part of the   Islamic scriptural orthodoxy. In this way,
 oversaw the state. They are ode   via the palace in the 17th century, also   cultural system. Islam was seen as the   a selection was always made of those
 (that oversaw people), rappang (that   21.  According to Winstedt, the writing of this book   elements that could be integrated. The
 produced an ideological handbook i.e.   is not good as having low literary value, but it is
 Musuh Besar Kompeni Belanda, Djakarta:   still necessary to be studied for its influence for the   integrative tradition’s main theme was
 Yayasan Kebudayaan Nusantara (1967).  Kitab Budi Istirakat Indra Bustamil, which   Malay thinking,  R.O. Winstedt, A History of Malay   none other than the continuing selection
 19.  Cense, “Pemujaan”.  apparently is an adaptation of the Tajus   Literature, pp. 93-96.  process and the accommodation to new
 20.  Mattulada, “Latoa: Suatu Lukisan Analitis   Salatin meant for the ruler who was   22.  Christian Pelras, “Religion, Tradition and the
 terhadap Antropologi Politik Orang Bugis”, Ph.D.   Dynamics of Islamization in South-Sulawesi”,   elements. In society, this process often
 Dissertation, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 1975.   now described as Allah’s representative   Archipel, 29, 1985, pp. 125-126.   led to internal contradictions. From this

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