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who punished the “wayward” Sheikh       accompanied trade relations, was not                  not allow any abuse; they would have to   periphery, not in the center of power and   The battle of Kuto
                                          Siti Jenar. The task of the king was to   only subjected to various types of cultural         pay with their death if they offended the   culture. Therefore, after Muslim power   Gawang, Palembang, in
                                          create harmony, if necessary by force,   encounters and clashes, but also created             people’s integrity. 45                 had been established, its main concern     1659.
                                          not to spread religion. The king was the   several foundations for the formation              What touched the Spaniards was not     was to cultivate an Islamic lifestyle,     Source: Yayasan Lontar
                                          guardian and the custodian of the cosmic   of traditions that, as mentioned above,            just this privilege, but that the newly   which was grounded in moral teachings
                                          order, not the founder of a new cosmic   referred to specific political and cultural          established Islamic power gave them    and the shift of cultural symbols away
                                          order. Sultan Prawata of Demak may      spheres. The formation of the tradition               the right to live (1575). Nevertheless, the   from Siwa-Buddhist towards Islamic.
                                          have been a good person, but he was     of integration in Aceh, Bugis-Makassar,               order to destroy the Moros in Sulu and   All these are important and should not
                                          weak, for he preferred to live the life of a                                                  Mindanao given to the commander of     be ignored. However,  the historical
                                          hermit rather than that of a ruler. In this   Sulu, Maguindanao, and so on cannot be          the Spanish forces was the beginning   experiences because of various outside
                                          way, he could only order his own inner-  separated from the ongoing trade routes.             of wars that lasted for about three    pressures should also not be ignored.
                                          self, but he might keep the great cosmic   The fall of Malacca to the Portuguese              centuries. These wars strengthened the   What would have happened if the VOC
                                          harmony. His reign, which ended in his   caused the Muslim traders to scatter                 traditions of internal integration among   had not involved itself in Mataram’s
                                          murder, was the end of Demak’s heyday.  everywhere. The fall of Malacca seemed                Muslim communities to circumvent the   internal dynamics? How would the wars
                                                                                  to be the driving force for the emergence             possibility that one of the power centers   of succession have ended, in which
                                          Traditions in Comparative               and the growth of new trade centers. It               might appear as unifier. Apart from the   boarding schools were often involved, if
                                          Perspectives                            was the same in the case of the VOC’s                 Sultanate of Sulu, the tribal kingdom   the Dutch would not have interfered? The
                                          Southeast Asian history is the story of   humiliation of Makassar that encouraged             of Tausug, there were no political     VOC was deeply involved in every affair
                                                                                                                                                                               and in each internal conflict and it affected
                                          the interaction between various unifying   sailors and Bugis-Makassarese                      communities in the southern Philippines   the way events developed. The shift of
                                          basic layers. One unifying layer was the   adventurers to turn the Straits of Malacca         that could be united. Not Maguindanao,   the power center and the central palace,
                                          creation of a new type of civilization.   into their area of operation.                       especially not the Maranao. Here the   which was followed by the destruction
                                          The arrival of Islam, like the expansion                                                      power centers more imagined a situation   of the minor kingdoms on the north
                                          of “Hindu civilization” in an earlier   Adherents to this tradition also                      of the presence of minor palaces without a   coast as centers of trade and religious
                                          historical phase was not, as a historian   strengthened the resolve of King                   central palace. The profound involvement   authority may be seen as a return to the
                                          correctly remarked  “a continuous line,   Soliman, the Muslim ruler of Manila,                of the Javanese cultural region to create   pre-Majapahit era, when its rights on
                                          but... a configuration of the tradition   when the Spanish forces under the                   unity and its Siwa-Buddhist government   land and property were the kingdom’s
                                          centers that stands out in the foreign   leadership of Legaspi landed in the                  tradition were distinguishing factors   major sources of income. Meanwhile,
                                          neighborhood.”  And in that process     beautiful bay of the island of Luzon in               in the initial Islamization process. The
                                          the universal religion of Islam that    1571. It is said that in his meeting with             Islamic community began to be formed   46.  G.W.J. Drewes, An Early Javanese Code of
                                                                                                                                                                               Muslim Ethics The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1978.
                                          44.  J.C. Heesterman, “The Hindu Frontier”,   the Spaniards, Soliman said that he             ---as evidenced by gravestones--- in the   47.  A.H. Johns “From Buddhism to Islam: An
                                          an article in the the Third CGLY Conference in   welcomed their arrival with open arms.       45.  Quoted by Alunan C. Glang, Muslim:   Interpretation of the Javanese Literature of
                                          the Comparative Study of India-and Indonesia.                                                 Secession or Integration, Quezon City: Alunan C.   Transition”, Comparative Studies in Society and
                                          Yogyakarta, September 22-25, 1986.      But they should realize that he would                 Glang 1971, pp. 6-7.                   History, IX, 1 Oct., 1966, pp. 40-50.

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