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One of the classical   which offered an atmosphere of   the same time it also presents itself as   movement, both inter-ethnic and inter-
 works by Hamzah   compatibility between the trusted and the   a dilemma, in regulating the modern   social strata, against outside pressure.
 Fansuri, from the 18    experienced, are factors that may have   state. Where does “Malay” end and   The modern age and contemporary
 century.  made it possible that this occurred.  “Malaysia” begin? Where are the limits   events are beyond the scope of this
 Source: Indonesia the   Change certainly continued. The   of “symbols” (Sultan and Islam) and   article. However, if a historical trend
 first fifty years 1945-1995.  national state that was built on the   of “political reality” (federal state and   can be used as a comparison, we can
 ruins of the colonial state as well as the   citizenship) to be found? Perhaps   estimate that no matter what internal
 preceding, supporting and accompanying   it may be true to say that the 1955   changes have occurred in the structures
 elections in Indonesia showed, on the
 ideological mayhems that preceded it   within Islamic communities, even up to
 did not mean nothing. The shift in the   one hand, the creation of an alliance   the possibility of widening the tradition
 political system and the socio-economic   between the traditions of integration   of dialogue supported by a kind of “court
 structure not only changed the realities   on the one hand and the tradition of   orthodoxy”, they have increasingly
 dialogue of the santri  and, on the
 the tradition had to face and that acted   become a political reality. However,
 as a prism to understand this reality.   other hand, it showed how former   the re-ideologization of tradition is not
 Moreover, Islam as the foundation of   socio-political processes undermined   just a dream of the past. When the
 the alliance’s unity. Perhaps, turning
 the tradition of integration and that of   traditions into political parties has   penetration of power is too tight and
 dialogue has undergone various stages   when the changes in the structure of
 in its reform process. They ranged   met a dead end. However, as the   ideal “satisfied society” are considered
 experiences of the 1950s and 1960s
 from efforts to underline ethics and the   showed, the inherent local nature of   threatening, the essential foundation
 shari’ah in behavior to the problem of   the two traditions sometimes reveals   of the political tradition that initially had
 the role of religion in facing the modern   a local character may re-emerge as a
 world. Also, Islam has turned into an   itself. So, indeed in political upheavals   national force.
 it was unclear whether they opted for
 ideology that raises the issue of the place   national unity in line with the demands
 of Islam in the modern national state.
 of Islam or for local anxieties that were
 At certain moments the two systems of   channeled by traditions. The rigidity
 Islamic political traditions that came up   of the tradition of integration in each
 in the 17th century and were tested and   locality of the southern Philippines has
 adapted in subsequent periods, also   caused the Moro as a whole to survive
 emerge to the surface. In Malaysia,   in its wars against the Spaniards for
 the tradition of integration is part of   around three hundred years. But local
 the fundamental Malay identity of its   obstinacy can apparently also be a
 communalistic political system, but at   hindrance for the creation of a unifying

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