P. 155

Mystical Union and

 the Ideal Raja:

 The Ideology of

 Islamic Kingdoms

 Taufik Abdullah

 Reflections on Doctrine and   significant. This text, like other traditional   looked as the dissidents who questioned   Another tale tells of a Hindu priest who,   Hamzah Fansuri’s poetry
 Cultural Accommodation  historiographies, wanted to create and   the validity of the system of authority.   equipped with his books wanted to   from the 18  century.
 maintain a world of shared meaning. It   The legendary Sufi, al-Hallaj faced the   enter into a debate with Sunan Bonang.
 One day, the Sultan of Malacca, Sultan                                                     Source: Indonesia the
 Mahmud Shah, had to settle a debate   wanted to offer a paradigm that could   same problem (10  century A.D.).  However, on his way to meet the famous   first fifty years 1945-1995.
 among scholars that had been going   be used as the basis for communal life   Now we find ourselves confronted with a   saint, his ship was stranded and his
 on for a long time. The issue was so   within a mutually recognized hierarchical   field of issues that touches on reflections   books were ruined. After having arrived
 system. In this system, it was unthinkable
 complicated that he resolved to send an   that everybody should know the king’s   and thoughts about the essence of and   safely, he met a man who was putting
 envoy to the King of Pasai to ask him   answers. Only certain groups of people   the demands for religious teachings and   a stick into the ground. It was Sunan
 for the right way to settle the dispute.   were allowed to know it, so the answer   no longer with the cultural justification of   Bonang. In the theological debate that
 What could possibly be the answer to a   would cause damage to the listener or to   the conversion process that had already   ensued between them the priest realized
 statement as “who says that God is the   the public.  taken place. In traditional historiography   that his now-missing books could not
 creator and the eternal protector is an   and in collective memory, the king, who   compare with the true “book”. After event
 infidel; and who says that God is not the   The story above is only one illustration   had been the main focus of conversion   he became one of Sunan Bonang’s
 creator and not the eternal protector is   of the notion that a distinction had to be   myths ---his dream (Pasai), his pain   devoted disciples.
 a genuine infidel.” After having listened   made between the group of Jawara and   (Patani), the king being visited by the   In this atmosphere the world of meaning
 to the questions, the King of Pasai   those who had deepened their religious   Prophet (Tallo), and so forth--- was   that inspired the cognitive community
 summoned the royal scholars and he   understanding in order to understand   slowly replaced by ulama and Sufis   was no longer at stake, but the old-
 requested them to settle the dispute.   the nature of divinity. Not everyone   who desperately looked for certainty. In   style higher civilization that needed to
 However, none of their answers satisfied   was allowed to join the discussions on   conversion myths we can see how local   be conquered. With this mythological
 Malacca’s envoy. In the end, the King   complicated divine issues. Only the   rulers and kings had to go through a   victory, the victor earned cultural
 summoned the envoy, Tun Muhammad,   learned could, and were allowed, to enter   wide range of experiences before they   legitimacy as the propagator of religion
 to appear before him and he whispered   this complicated theological sphere.   could finally make the definite decision   and the pursuer of the essential truth
 something in his ear that were the   The Sejarah Melayu is not the only the   to convert to Islam. Now, cultural   behind the teachings. In this way, the
 answers the Sultan of Malacca really. 1  text that present this issue and it is also   accountability had been replaced by an   myth of the intellectual clash could
 not the most well-known. In Javanese
 What the King of Pasai had said? The   tradition, the story of Sheikh Siti Jenar,   unyielding quest for the utmost truth.   be seen as the explanation of why
 Sejarah Melayu does not say. However,   who was punished by the saints, is very   Conversion myths that wanted to lay   old elements persisted in new way of
 perhaps the absence of the answer in   famous and it is not hard to find other   the basis for a new paradigm by offering   thinking. The old elements’ validity was
 the Sejarah Melayu reveals its cultural   stories. People who divulged esoteric   the mythological explanations of the   not totally negated, but it had been
 1.  From the story of 2Q, the Shellabear   knowledge to the public in general   necessity for a transformation of the   turned into something subordinated
 (Abdulkadir Munsyi) version of the Sejarah Melayu   were not only accused of disturbing the   religious and cultural foundations had   to the new way that now featured as
 edited by Teeuw & Situmorang, 1950, and the     the “vessel of the hegemony” of the
 Raffles 19 version, which was translated by Brown   stability of the orthodoxy that had been   been replaced by stories of triumphant
 (1953), Reprinted 1983, pp. 148-149.  confirmed by consensus; they were also   intellectual competition.  2.  Schrieke, (1916); 44.

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