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not have been too hard for the king to   The historical stages of Islam in                    the Lord, the slave and the master,    before, old cultural idioms and structural
                                          learn of its contents, because he was   Southeast Asia at a glance are as                     i.e. of political power. How should the   obligations that were rooted consciously,
                                          always surrounded by clerics able of    follows. Initially, the main theme was                relationship between king and his      were used as active partners in the
                                          offering him their views on the contents   the creation of an Islamic cognitive               subjects be seen? What was realyy the   dialogue. In the process of this dialogue,
                                          of the book.  One of Southeast Asia’s   community which was immediately                       meaning of power? The influential Tajus   the marginalization of values and the
                                          pre-colonial hallmarks was the mobility of   followed by efforts to turn it into part of      Salatin saw this relationship from the   eradication of seemingly worthless old
                                                                                  the Islamic world. At this stage, a variety
                                                                                                                                                                               idioms also took place. Or could it be that
                                                                                                                                        Sufi point of view. Everything was looked
                                          the ulamas in times of upsurge of political   of translations were made and the               at from the obligation of establishing   a process of adaptation took place and a
                                          and economic power.  Moreover,          conversion myth was formulated. In the                harmony and cosmic unity. The theory   situation of cultural symbiosis occurred.
                                          this continued even when the political   second stage, the boundaries between                 on the state the book proposed did not   Only now also a new cosmic unity could
                                          hegemony had gone over in the hands of   “disbelief” and “Islam” started to become            differ much from those proposed by     be attained. However, the process did
                                          foreign powers.                         more prominent. This is also the phase,               Sunnite books in the sense that the main   not always run in an evolutionary way.
                                          this incident as evidence for the intensification of   as may be seen from the Trengganu      emphasis was that the characteristic of   Cultural conflicts occurred and a return
                                          the Islamization process.               inscription (14  century) and various                 the state rested on a ruler’s personal   to nativistic values sometimes also
                                          9.  A document dated 999 AH states that during the   other early Islamic texts (from the 16    moral imperatives, rather than on     happened.
                                          aqiqah ceremony of the son of the King of Aceh,   century) of the introduction of Islamic     structural rules and regulations and
                                          who would subsequently be known as Iskandar                                                                                          Within the context of Southeast Asia as
                                          Muda, the ulama’ gave the baby its name. “So   doctrinal imperatives and ethics. While        power. However, is it not so that historical   a whole, this unsettling cultural process
                                          on the seventh day a bull was slaughtered as   these stages continued, ta new period          facts show that the pursuits of ideals are
                                          aqiqah and his hair was shaved and weighed in                                                                                        caused different religious traditions
                                          gold which was given to the poor in charity as well   had been entered. Personal reflections   never realized? Thus, even in this period   among the Muslim communities. The
                                          as a festive meal. The clerics who were present   on the relationship between humans as       we are dealing with the efforts to create   cultural unity of the Islamic political
                                          offered prayers in thanks to God. Then the day that   His creatures and the Creator had been   a political tradition aimed at surpassing
                                          the baby got its name Sultan Alaud-Din Mansur                                                                                        tradition was at stake. No less important,
                                          Shah, the King of Perak, Pocut Abdullah Sulaiman   to be intensifed. This was the trend that   ideal demands and structural obligations.  cultural continuity and change were very
                                          Mansur, who would rule the kingdom of Aceh.   had slowly Aceh the “production center”
                                          Then Sheikh Abu al-Khair said, “This is Iskandar   of the brightest stars in the history of   It is for this reason one can say that   serious internal problems. The process
                                          Muda Mansur al-Asyi. Then, Sheikh Yamin said,                                                 this period was a critical moment in the   of the expansion of the reach of religious
                                          “Here is Makota Alam Mansur”. Eventually, all the   Islamic thought in Southeast Asia.        development of Islam in Southeast Asia.   influence within social structures and
                                          ministers and chief officials said, “This is maiman   These kinds of Religious reflections also
                                          (who leads and possesses) the Land under the   dominated mystical literature in Java.         In the early stages the major theme was   behavior patterns and the deepening
                                          Wind. Then al-Sheikh Nur al-din said, “This is                                                the efforts to build an Islamic community   import they had within the consciousness
                                          Alaud-Din Makota Alam Sultan Iskandar Muda   How should the spiritual relationship            and to make it participate in a new kind of   and belief systems turned out to cause
                                          Perkasa Allah Syah al-Quat.” Quoted by Iskandar,   between the servant and the Lord could
                                          1980: 222-223.                          be properly understood?                               cosmopolitanism, while the main problem   major cultural risks. However, this is
                                          10.  This is often expressed in classical Malay                                               was the popularization of the teachings   not unique in the history of Islam. Ever
                                          texts. The king’s wealth, the realm’s prosperity and   This Sufi tendency was also reflected   in the different type of cultural symbols.   since Islam expanded its wings to other
                                          trade progress are always followed by accounts of
                                          the arrival of scholars. See for example, Tuhfat al-  in the formulation of a more realistic   In the next phase, another problem    major civilization centers, similar things
                                          Nafis, by Raja Ali Haji, Matheson & Andaya (ed.)  relationship between the servant and        had to be dealt with. More than ever   happened.

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