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Therefore, in the beginning, al-Raniri   14.  Kitab Imam al-Bayhaqi, marked with              23.  Chapter recommendation of intention.  being pious to Allah andprohibition to   A student offering the
                                          specifically mentions the books on Hadith   the letter ‘q and y’;                             24.  Chapter recommendation of Islam,     leave it.                               traditional greeting of
                                          he referred to in composing his Hidayat   15.  Kitab al-ʻAskari, marked with the letter         iman, ihsan dan sincere devotion.    36.  Chapter recommendation fond of        respect to an Islamic
                                          al-habib, so that the reader would also know   ‘r and y’;                                     25.  Chapter recommendation fond of       loving Allah, remembering Him and       scholar
                                          his references. Al-Raniri created special   16.  Kitab Abū Yaʻla, marked with the letter        salat and prohibition to leave it.      being closer to Him.                    Source: Pondok
                                          marks for each of his sources. The complete   ‘y and ayn’;                                    26.  Chapter recommendation fond of    37.  Chapter recommendation fond           Pesantren Cipasung
                                          list of the referential sources is as follows:   17.  Kitab al-Nasa’i, marked with the letter   giving alms, charity, generosity,       ofdestiny and fate.
                                          1.   Sahih al-Bukhari, marked with the     ‘n and s’;                                           andprohibition to leave them.        38.  Chapter recommendation fond of
                                             letter ‘kh’;                         18.  Kitab Ibn ʻAdi, marked with the letter           27.  Chapter recommendation fond of       thanking God andprohibition to leave it.
                                          2.   Sahih Muslim, marked with the letter   ‘ayn and d’;                                        giving present.                      39.  Chapter recommendation
                                             ‘m’;                                 19.  Kitab al-Khaṭib, marked with the letter          28.  Chapter recommendation fond of       fond of devotion to parents,
                                          3.   Sunan al-Tirmidhi, marked with the    ‘kh and ṭ’;                                          entertaining guests.                    connecting kinship, andprohibition
                                             letter ‘t’;                          20.  Kitab al-Khuzaymah, marked with the              29.  Chapter recommendation fond of       ofinsubordination, disconnecting
                                          4.   Sunan Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal,          letter ‘m and h’;                                    fasting andprohibition to leave it.     family relation, and the right of
                                             marked with the letter ‘alif’;       21.  Kitab Ibn Abi al-Dunya, marked with              30.  Chapter recommendation fond of       children to their parents.
                                          5.   Sunan Abu Dawud, marked with the      the letter ‘y and alif’;                             hajj and umrah and prohibition to    40.  Chapterrecommendation fond of
                                             letter ‘d’;                          22.  Kitab Abi Zar, marked with the letter ‘b           leavethem.                              being patience and contention to God.
                                          6.   Kitab Ibn Hiban, marked with the      and alif’.                                         31.  Chapteron the virtue of mosques and   41.  Chapter recommendation fond of
                                             letter ‘h and b’;                    The Thematic Structure of the                           the virtue of building mosques.         being wise, holding back emotion, and
                                          7.   Kitab al-Daruquṭni, marked with the   Hidayat al-Habib                                   32.  Chapter recommendation fond          prohibition to leave them.
                                             letter ‘q and ṭ’;                                                                            of reading the Qur’an and the        42.  Chapter recommendation fond of trust
                                          8.   Sunan Ibn Majah, marked with the   As  al-Raniri  states,  the  Hidayat  al-habib          related aspects, also prohibition to    to God.
                                             letter ‘j and h’;                    is  devided  into  thematic  chapters.  The             leavethem.                           43.  Chapter prohibition of
                                          9.   Kitab al-Qudaʻi, marked with the letter   purpose was to helpthe readers and to offer    33.  Chapter recommendation fond          committingadultery and
                                             ‘ayn and y’;                         them the most benefit. Al-Raniri said, wa-              of dreaming to meet the Prophet         homosexuality.
                                          10.  Kitab Imam Hakim, marked with the   jaʻaltuhu  mubawwaban  li-yuʻimma  al-nafʻa            Muhammad pbuh, visiting his tomb,    44.  Chapter prohibition of drinking
                                             letter ‘k and m’;                    li al-raghibi, which in translation means:and           sending prayer upon him, and            alcohol.
                                          11.  Kitab Ṭabrani, marked with the letter   I arranged the chapters in order so that it        prohibition to leavethem.            45.  Chapter prohibition ofpractice usury.
                                             ‘ṭ’;                                 could  benefit  those  who  were  fond  of  it.       34.  Chapter recommendation fond of    46.  Chapter prohibition oftelling a lie and
                                          12.  Kitab Imam Daylami, marked with the   The thematic structure of the chapters is as         knowledge, people of knowledge,         perjury.
                                             letter ‘m and y’;                    follows:                                                seekers of knowledge, andprohibition   47.  Chapter prohibition ofstealing, being
                                          13.  Kitab Abū al-Qasam, marked with the   I need the indonesian text to be able to             to leavethem.                           treacherous, hiding artifacts, not
                                             letter ‘ayn and m’;                  check what follows.                                   35.  Chapter recommendation fond of       returning loan, and prohibition to take

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