P. 226
orphan’s property. nature faithful, being far from infidels of participating a holy war and much dependent on studies conducted
48. Chapter recommendation fond to fulfill and hypocrites. prohibition to leave it. by scholars on the available primary
a promise and the prohibition to leave it. 62. Chapter recommendation fond of 73. Chapter recommendation fond of sources in various local languages.
49. Chapter prohibition of being arrogant. doing good and prohibition of being commanding goodness and forbidding For some specific topics, such as the
50. Chapter prohibition ofbeing a bad tempered. eviland prohibition to leave it. Sufi thought, this chapter may have
hypocrite. 63. Chapter recommendation fond of 74. Chapter recommendation fond of soem detailed discussions, along with
51. Chapter prohibition offeeling envy, loving wife and prohibition to leaveher recollecting death, attending funeral, their dynamics and controversy. In fact,
jealousy and revenge. and to understand the couple’s rights. doing entombment, and prohibition I have to bring Johns’ ‘new conclusion’
52. Chapter prohibition ofswearing and 64. Chapter recommendation fond of being of the death wish and offending related to Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i’s
bringing people into conflict. humble and prohibition to leave it. deceased person. original thought on the mystical notion
53. Chapter prohibition of doing injustice. 65. Chapter recommendation fond of 75. Chapter recommendation fond of of five dignities, which is now believed to
54. Chapter prohibition ofkilling a believer. taking deliberation and performing asking forgiveness, repentance, and have predated the mystical idea of the
55. Chapter recommendation fond of prayer to ask divine guide, and prohibition to leavethem. seven dignity proposed the Indian Sufi
performing royal occupations, being prohibition to leavethem. Concluding Remarks Fadlullah al-Burhanpuri. This conclusion
an ‘amir or qadhi andprohibition to 66. Chapter recommendation fond of by Johns actually revises previous
leavethem. being silent and prohibition of talking In line with theme, this chapter is an findings of his own and other scholars as
56. Chapter recommendation fond of the useless. effort to map the history of Islamic well. Of course, such an alteration is very
Prophetici traditions and prohibition of 67. Chapter recommendation fond of thought in Nusantara based on written common in an academic world. As far as
comitting heresy. being secluded (uzlah) and prohibition texts produced by the authors and the new finding is being generated from
57. Chapter recommendation of not being of being associated with creatures. Muslim scholars since the beginning reliable process of reviewing, the new
envy to others and prohibition of 68. Chapterrecommendation fond of process of Islamization. Based on conclusion should be meaningful for the
being greedy and delusive. making friends with pious people and this boundary, then I do not intend next scholars.
58. Chapter recommendation fond of prohibition ofmaking friends with bad to explicate the history of Islam in Nevertheless, other topics in this chapter,
being ascetic and prohibition of loving personages. Nusantara comprehensively, but rather such as the hadith thought, may seem
wordly matters for the sake of the 69. Chapter recommendation fond of focus on the aspect of its ‘thinking’ based to have been provided in a rushed and
world. weeping and prohibition of laughing on the written texts. For both reasons I still shallow discussion. After all, it was
59. Chapter recommendation fond of too much. did not discuss, for example, Walisongo resulted from the scarcely previous
seeking lawful and prohibition of 70. Chapter recommendation fond who are certainly parts of the history of researches and primary sources on the
seeking unlawful. of good deeds for life time and Indonesian Islam, particularly in Java. topic.
60. Chapter recommendation fond of prohibition to leave it. Given the data on the history of
helping others among the believers, 71. Chapter prohibition of going to a Islamic thought in Nusantara that is Considering recent developments on
and prohibition to leave them. shaman. generally recorded in hundreds-year- the inventory and cataloging of the
61. Chapter recommendation fond of the 72. Chapter recommendation fond old manuscripts, this chapter is very Nusantara manuscripts, especially
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