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the colonial government provideda   they joined the Masjumi. Among them,   According to the reformists, the religious   occupation. This prompted the reformists
 European style of education: the   to mention some names, were H.O.S.   format of imitation (taqlid) had to be   to seek a new format and to find a new
 Hollandsch Inlandsch School   Cokroaminoto, Agus Salim, Kasman   replaced by ijtihad and renewal (tajdid).   formula from within Islam itself. Their
 (HIS) for the primary level, Meer   Singodimejo, Mohammad Roem, and   Ijtihad is none other than independently   goal was that Muslims would get on the
 Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs (MULO)   Mohammad Natsir.  making intellectual efforts by utilizing the   path of progress, as they also became
 for the junior intermediate level, and   power of reason and thinking optimally to   politically freed from Western hegemony.
 Algemene Middelbare School (AMS)   It should be added that in Muslim   capture the essence of religion, to ensure
 for the senior secondary level. In the   societies in Western colonies a sort of   that being religious is to understand the   The hallmark of the reform was the
 following period it also established the   secularization process had taken place   basic arguments and the foundation   confrontation with Islamic traditionalism.
 College of Engineering (Technische   under the influence of the Western   beneath all doctrines, commands and   The reform tried to detach itself from
 Hogeschool/THS) in Bandung, and the   educational system, both for those   prohibitions, as well as to discover the   the past and at the same time to orient
 Rechtshogeschool (RHS) in Batavia.   who were studying in their homeland   methodological bases of the further   itself to the future. ‘More than a reactive
 In addition, since the end of the 19 th   and those who were sent to study in   development of religious knowledge.   stance, reformism is generally assertive,
 century, there had been a medical high   the West. The reformer group of Islam,   Tajdid is renewing a way of thinking to   suggesting changes and developing
 school, the School tot Opleiding voor   as Western reformists, was open to   allow the discovery of the essence of the   strategic action-plans to achieve the
 InlandscheArtsen (STOVIA), and the   accommodation and assimilation. It   religious truth, so as to create a pattern   ideological objectives.’(Abdullah and
 school of governmental science for the   wanted to produce a new synthesis   of diversity that does not lag behind   Sidique, 1988: 2)
 native civil servants, Opleiding School   between Islam and modern science   the progress of earthly life, but on the
 voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren (OSVIA).   and technology. So, reformers tried   contrary, being religious causes progress   The Proponents of Islamic
 Young Indonesian Muslim children   to distance themselves from two   on earth and in the here after.  Reform
 gradually started to enter modern   orientations: old-fashioned and stagnant   According to reformists, the Muslims’   Muslim scholars had in fact started to
 European schools, which slowly   Islam, and from admiring Western   backwardness and ignorance over the   entertain thoughts of Islamic reformism
 affected their modern way of thinking.  secular civilization that only saw religion   last several centuries was caused by a   for a long time. As-Syaukanie (2009)
 asan individual phenomenon (Esposito,
 The children who entered modern   1999: 647).  false understanding of religion. According   asserts that the roots of Islamic
 public education were partly influenced   to them, the closing of the door of ijtihad   reformism can be delineated in the
 by a Western secular way of thinking   The emergence of the reform movement   was a major mistake and the cause   medieval period of Islam. During the
 and some became anti-Islamic and   in Indonesia was partly characterized   of stupidity. The closure of ijtihad  had   middle ages, we find names like Abu
 behaved like Europeans, while others   by the establishment of modern   halted intellectual activities, while the   Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111) and
 took advantage of rational thinking to   organizations for structurally well-planned   Western nations had been enlightened   Taqiuddin Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328).
 comprehend their religion (i.e. Islam)   activities. These organizations are the   after their encounter with Islam and they   Both are often regarded as the early
 better. Members of this group later   Sarekat Islam (1911), the Muhammadiyah   continued to progress. In the 19 century,   reformers in the medieval period.
 became the forerunners of Islamic   (1912), Al-Irsyad (1915), and also   most of the countries with Muslim   However, in the beginning, the reform
 modernism and after Independence   Persatuan Islam or Persis (1923).  majority populations were under Western   was limited to the realm of ideas but

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