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without any movement. Further reform    visited London and several other major                conservative clerics who blindly imitated   foremost ideas in the Qur’an are its
                                          that began in the 19 century was not    European cities. From his encounters                  others. He also yielded wide influence   ethics. The Book of Allah reveals the
                                          limited to the realm of thought, but also   with European society, Abduh issued               among the Muslim youth in India and    moral guides for mankind. Many verses
                                          incited movements. These movements      a statement which was very famous:                    one of his disciples, Chiragh Ali (1844-  in the Qur’an relate to legal and political
                                          were massive and radical. The reform    “wajadna al-Islam biduni al-muslimin fi               1895) followed in his footsteps as a   issues, but should be seen asethics’
                                          in the 19 century was inspired by the   aurubba, wa fi al-misr wajadna muslimin               reformer. He advocated the importance   moral postulates. Laws should not be
                                          condition of the Muslim people who were   biduni al-Islam” (In Europe we found                of reforming the shari’a (Islamic law).   understood literally and punitive, as
                                          colonized and fell under the shadow of   Islam without Muslims, while in Egypt                According to him, Islamic law was the   Muslims did in the past because that
                                          the spread of Western civilization, which   we found Muslims without Islam).                  product of jurists and therefore Islamic   would make it seem as if Islamic law
                                          was considered the locomotive of the    Those words showMuhammad Abduh’s                      law should change its main target. The   was only concerned with punishments
                                          new world order. As-Syaukanie (2009:    high appreciation ofmodernEuropean                    essential reform of Islamis the changes   and sanctions. The idea of the Islamic
                                          25-34) mentions the following Muslim    rational civilization that produceda real             jurists made in Islamic law. According to   state of Pakistan, according to him,
                                          scholars as thinkers of Islamic reformism   Islamic ethos in everyday life. Abduh’s           Ali, the search for the truth in Islam would   was the result of an obsessive desire to
                                          in the 19 -20 centuries.                rationality appears in his fatwas when he             never end.                             implement this kind of “punitive” Islam.
                                                                                  served as the Mufti of Egypt. Among his
                                          The first is Rifa’a al-Tahtawi (1801-                                                         The greatest reformer in India was     In short, these reformers’ positive
                                          1873). Tahtawi was a pioneer reformer   controversial fatwas are those about the              Muhammad Iqbal (1875-1938). His most   attitudes towards changes are based
                                          in the 19  century. In his magnum       lawful status of bank interest, the non-              influential workis The Reconstruction of   on their beliefs that change is part of
                                          opus, Takhlish al-Ibriz ila Bariz, he   obligation for Muslim women to wear the               Religious Thought in Islam in which he   the basic principles of Islam. Reformers
                                          expressed the need for Muslims to draw   hijab, and the permission for Muslims to             referred to many Western philosophers   consider ijtihad the most plausible
                                          on and adopt modern political concepts   eat meat slaughtered by non-Muslims                  such as George Berkeley, Immanuel      argument for change. In Islamic
                                          such as nationalism, democracy, and     (As-Syaukanie, 2009: 26).                             Kant, William James, Alfred North      jurisprudence, ijtihad is not about
                                          equality because these concepts were    In 19 century India another Islamic                   Whitehead, and Bertrand Russell.       primary sources such as the Qur’an, the
                                          useful for the progress of the Muslim   reformer was born. He was Sayyid                      Iqbal did not only authorize Muslims’   Prophetic tradition (sunnah), the Muslims’
                                          community. Tahtawi’s appreciation of    Ahmed Khan (1817-1898), whose position                use of Western knowledge even he       consensus (ijma’) and analogy (qiyas),
                                          modern sciences and his positive attitude   in India was similar to that of Tahtawi           recommended Muslims to learn and to    but concerns the method of istinbat in
                                          towards the West were enthusiastically   in Egypt. As Abduh, Sayyid Ahmed                     take benefit from it. Iqbal’s arguments   order to produce law. Ijtihad is a rational
                                          greeted by one of the next generation   Khan was also a rationalist who did                   about the necessity of convincing      way for Muslims to understand religious
                                          of Egyptian clerics, Muhammad Abduh     not hesitate to accept modern culture.                changes wouldinspire many scholars     texts but it is not included in the texts
                                          (1849-1905). Abduh was a reformer       He criticized orientalists who distorted              around the world. Of Iqbal’sfollowers,   themselves. Muhammad Arkoun defined
                                          who urged Muslims to conform to some    the understanding of Islam, just as he                Fazlur Rahman (1919-1988) was even     ijtihad as naqd al-’aql al-islami or the
                                          aspects of modernity. He used to live   criticized conservative Muslim scholars               more radical about the issue of Islam   critical logic of Islam. According to him,
                                          in Paris at the invitation of his “mentor”   whom is understood Islam as well.                and social change. Rahman was          what is necessary for modern Muslims
                                          Jamaluddin Al-Afgani and he also        In one of his works, Khan criticized                  convinced that the most principal and   now is not a mere re-interpretation of

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