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The Dynamic of

 Islamic Print Culture

 Jajat Burhanudin

 Islamic books are inherent parts of   gradually turned into the dominating   close friend from Singapore and Haji   triggered Islamic reformism in Singapore,   The Grand Mosque
 Islamic religious development. The   discourse in society. Intellectual changes   the town that had begun to become a   of Ganting located in
 evidence of this in Indonesia can be   in the Muslim communities in modern   Abbas bin Mohamad Taha,  Djalaluddin   Southeast Asian metropolis. 5  the area of the conflict
 traced back to the early 20  century   Indonesia had become unavoidable.    of the ruling elite of the Riau-Lingga Kingdom.   Al-Imam has a specific role in formatting   between the KaumTua
          Consequently, he continued his education as
 when printed media (magazines,   a member of the royal family. Sayid al-Hadi   political thinking and nurturing Islamic   (the Old) and the Kaum
 newspapers, and Islamic books) were   Thaher Djalaluddin and al-Imam  witnessed the emergence of Pulau Penyengat into   intellectuals in Southeast Asia.  Its role   Muda (the Youth) in
 first introduced to the Muslims in   Thaher Djalaluddin was the first Jawi-  the center of revival of Malay culture at the end   was mainly to provide close relations   Padang, West Sumatra.
          of the 19  century which gave him a chance to
 Indonesia. Religious scholars traditionally   Makkah (Indonesian who had sojourned   be close with the Islamic discourse of prominent   with reformists in Cairo and to become   Source: Directorate of
 acted as the sole holders of religious   for a long time in Mecca) who became   ulama, especially those who were grouped into the   a model as well as a source of Islamic   History and Cultural
 authority, but after the begining of the   acquainted with the reform ideas of   Persekutuan Rusydiyyah in 1890. See also Virginia   reformist thinking.  Like al-Manar, al-  Values, Ministry of
          Matheson (1989), “Pulau Penyengat: Nineteenth
 21  century, ordinary Muslims had the   Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad   Century Islamic Centre of Riau”, Archipel 37, 153-  Imam underlined that its main concern   Education and Culture
 opportunity to resort to printed media as   Rashid Rida from Cairo. He was the   172; Alimuddin Hassan Palawa, “The Penyengat   was the reformist spirit. In its first edition,   of the Republic of
          School: A Review of the Intellectual Tradition in the
 sources of Islamic knowledge and guides   first Indonesian who introduced Islamic   Malay-Riau Kingdom”, Studia Islamika, vol. 10, no.   appointed as kadi at the District of Tanjong Pagar   Indonesia.
 to religious practices.  reformism to Southeast Asia. His latter   3: 2003, 97-12. It has been noted that his relation   in Singapore. Meanwhile, his reform concern also
 role was reflected in the publication of   with Islamic reform began when he visited Mecca   continued; in 1911 he published Neratja and then
 Facilitated by colonial printing technology   and Cairo, together with Thaher Djalaluddin,   Tunas Melayu in 1913. In 1940 he was appointed
 at the reformist Muslims beginning of the   al-Imam in 1906 it was the first Islamic   as the guide of the royal family of Riau-Lingga   as the Mufti of Pahang. See Roff, The Origin of
          kingdom who registered at the preparation school
 reform magazine in Southeast Asia.
 20  century used printed media as one   Together with other ulama who had been   in Cairo. From there, he had not only become   Malay…, 63-64.
 of the most important components of   exposed to Cairo reformism, such as   attracted to, but was also involved in the Islamic   5.  Another important figure behind the publication
                                                 of al-Imam was Sheikh Muhammad Salim al-Kalili.
          reform in Southeast Asia. For Sayid al-Hadi’s title
 their Islamic reform movement in addition   Sayid Sheikh al-Hadi (1862-1934),  his   and carrier see William Roff, The Origin of Malay   He was born in Cirebon and a citizen of Singapore.
 to the reform of educational system   Nationalism, (Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University   His role in al-Imam was as a businessman who
                                                 financially supported its publication rather than
 and the ways of religious thinking this   2.  Jajat Burhanudin, “Ulama dan Politik   Press, 1967), 62-3; Michael F. Laffan, Islamic   as a scholar or writer. There was also a person
 Pembentukan Umat: Sekilas Pengalaman
          Nationhood and Colonial Indonesia: The Umma
 process not only created the appearance   Sejarah Indonesia” (Ulama and the Political   below the Wind, (London and New York: Routledge   called Encik Abdullah bin Abdul Rahman of Muar
 of a new expression of Islam, but also   Formation of Community: A Quick Look at the   Curzon, 2003), 19-30; Abu Bakar Hamzah, Al-  but little known about him. See Roff, The Origin
                                                 of Malay…, 32-9, 64; William Roff, Bibliography
 showed the changing outlook of religious   Indonesian Experience) and introductory remarks   Imam: Its Role in Malay Society 1906-1908, (Kuala   of Malay and Arabic Periodicals Published in the
          Lumpur: Pustaka Antara, 1991), 5.
 in Jajat Burhanudin and Ahmad Baedowi (eds.)
 scholars in pesantren and their use   Transformasi Otoritas Keagamaan: Pengalaman   4.  Haji Abbas bin Muhammad Taha was born   Straits Settlements and Peninsular Malay States,
                                                 (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), 75-89;
 of kitab kuning.  Through the printed   Indonesia (The Transformation of Religious   in Singapore in 1885, and was probably of   Laffan, Islamic Nationhood…, 150; Hamzah, Al-
 Authority: the Indonesian Experience (Jakarta:
 press, intellectual and political channels,   Gramedia, 2003), p. 28.   Minangkabau descent. After studying in Mecca, he   Imam: Its Role…, 28-29.
          returned to Singapore in 1905 where he became
 modern educational institutions, the   3.  Sayid Sheikh b. Ahmad al-Hadi was born in   a religious teacher and then in 1906 published   6.  Roff, The Origin of Malay…, 56-57; Laffan,
 Islamic reformist movement had   Malacca and he had a Malay mother and a Malay-  his collection of homiletic quotes from works on   Islamic Nationhood…, 148-60. See also A.C.
 Arab father of Hadrami descent. After completing   Education in Egypt and Syria, the Sempoerna   Milner, The Invention of Politics in Colonial Malaya:
 1.  Jajat Burhanudin, “Islamic Knowledge, Authority   his elementary education in Kuala Trengganu,   Pelajaran (1906). He was involved in al-Imam   Contesting Nationalism and the Expansion of the
 and Political Power: The Ulama in Colonial   he moved to Pulau Penyengat in Riau, where his   as an assistant editor and in 1908 as editor.   Public Sphere (Cambridge: Cambridge University
 Indonesia” Ph.D. Dissertation (Leiden: Leiden   father had royal ties. He was appointed as the son   After al-Imam stopped publishing in 1908, his   Press, 1995).
 University, 2007), p. 200.   of Raja Ali Kelana bin Raja Ahmad, a member   carrier continued as in the same year he was   7. Roff, The Origin of Malay…, 59.
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