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Al-Munir, the reform     the editor of al-Imam wrote that the    [on Quranic explanation] Muhammad                     For Southeast Asian Muslims, as        al-Imam, July edition 1908. Similarly to   Mepsi magazine No.3
                 magazine for youths in   magazine attempted “to remind those     Abduh delivered in his lecture at al-Azhar            for Egyptian Muslims, Muhammad         Abduh’s Quranic interpretation, al-Imam    issued on May 20, 1935.
                 West Sumatra which       who had forgotten; to wake up those     in the month Muharram 1316 AH, as                     Abduh’s Quranic commentary meant       mentioned the source of the article as     Mepsi (abbreviated from
                 continued the role and   who had fallen asleep; to show the      published in al-Manar vol. III, 4  edition. 9         a radical transition in tafsir literature.   follow:                              Madjlis Ekonomi PSII/the
                 the spirit of al-Imam,   right direction to those who had gone                                                         It is certainly different from commonly   This article (Ilmu dan Ulama) is a      Economic Assembly of
                 which was published in   astray; to give a voice to those who    This quote is only one of many in which               practiced Quranic interpretations in   translation of the work by Sheikh          the PSII) was an internal
                 Singapore in 1911.       speak wisely; to call for Muslims to live   al-Imam states that it would republish            traditional pesantrens, where mostly   Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-Ahmadi,            magazine of the PSII
                                          in accordance with the Divine command   the articles, or the kind of articles that            the Tafsir al-Jalalain by al-Suyuti and                                           that not only discussed
                 Source: Perpustakaan                                             had previously been published in al-                                                         a leading Egyptian cleric at al-Azhar.
                 Nasional (The National   as much as possible; and to obtain the   Manar. The Quranic interpretations                   al-Mahalli was mostly used.  With      We publish this article in al-Imam in      the finances of the
                 Library of the Republic   greatest happiness in the world and    section confirms al-Imam’s primary                    Abduh’s interpretations, al-Imam aimed   installments so that the readers of al-  organization, but also
                 of Indonesia).           divine blessing in the hereafter.” 8    mission to disseminate the reformist                  at explaining the Quran practically to a   Imam may know the nature, position, and   economic problems in
                                          The influence of Al-Manar’s on al-Imam   ideas from Cairo to Southeast Asia.                  wide audience of readers, wider than   endeavors of this religious scholar.       society.
                                          clear enough al-Imam reprined a number   Quranic interpretation is a major field              that which could be reached in the                                                Source: Perpustakaan
                                          of articles that had been printed in al-  of Islamic knowledge and provides the               medieval period of tafsir the products   As appears from its title, “Ilmu dan     Nasional (The National
                                          Manar. On August 29, 1908, the editor of   essential framework of the understanding           of which were mostly discussed in      Ulama’” discusses the essence of           Library of the Republic of
                                                                                                                                                                               the ulamas as sources of religious
                                          al-Imam announced that this magazine    of the core source of Islamic teachings,              pesantrens.                            authority in the Islamic tradition. Apart   Indonesia).
                                          would start to publish the interpretations   i.e. the Quran. By translating Quranic           Besides tafsir, al-Imam also published   from illustrating the traditional roles of
                                          of the Qur’an. It provided a special    interpretations, al-Imam had laid down                articles on other subjects, for instance   ulama in teaching religious subjects
                                          section for that purpose, namely        the main principle of Islamic reformism in            a translated version of a work titled   to Muslims, al-Imam also strongly
                                          the Malay translation of the Quranic    Southeast Asia.                                       “Ilmu dan Ulama” (lit. knowledge and   encouraged ulama to involve themselves
                                          interpretations that had previously been                                                                                             in all attempts to create the conditions
                                          published in al-Manar.                  It is noteworthy that Abduh’s Quranic                 the knowers) by the Egyptian cleric,
                                                                                  interpretations, which were published                 Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim al-        the Muslims needed to advance in the
                                          As mentioned in the previous edition                                                          Ahmadi. This article was published in   contemporaneous world. For al-Imam,
                                          of al-Imam, we promised our readers     in al-Manar by Rashid Rida, Abduh’s                   Tafsīr al-Qur’ān al-Hakīm al-Mushtahar bi Tafsīr   the clerical role that traditionally centered
                                          to publish the translation of Quranic   disciple who completed his work on                    al-Manār and it was first published in 1925. For a   on Islamic education “must be expanded
                                          interpretations which originate from    Quranic commentary, not only displayed                discussion on the origin of this Quran commentary   to include all efforts dealing with worldly
                                          Sheikh Muhammad Abduh’s recent          a modernist tendency, but also rational               see J.J.G. Jansen, The Interpretation of the   affairs, in order that they may offer their
                                                                                                                                        Koran in Modern Egypt (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1974),
                                          lectures at al-Azhar. To meet our       approach to Quranic interpretation.                   20-21, 23-24. See also Charles Adams, Islam and   benefits for wider society.” 13
                                          promise, this edition will begin with a   9.  See al-Imam, No. 4, vol. 3, 1908.               Modernism in Egypt, (London: Oxford University   As in the case of tafsir, through “Ilmu
                                                                                                                                        Press, 1933), 273.
                                          presentation of the introductory remarks   10.  It must be noted here that ‘Abduh wrote
                                                                                  explanations on a number of Quranic verses.           11.  Martin Van Bruinessen, “Kitab Kuning: Books   dan Ulama” al-Imam underlined that
                                          8.  See al-Imam, I, July 1906. For a discussion on   Rashid Rida, who was present and took notes of   in Arabic Script Used in the Pesantren Milieu,”
                                          the purpose and goal of al-Imam see also Roff   ‘Abduh’s lectures in al-Azhar, continued the work   Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 146   12.  See al-Imam, vol. 2, No. 3, 1908.
                                          (1967: 56), Hamzah (1991: 28-29).       after ‘Abduh died in 1905. The complete title is      (2/3), 253-254.                        13.  See al-Imam, vol. 2, July, 1908.

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