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Second, the campus student   on campus except by small-scale
 movements emerging at the middle   movements of the HTI.
 New Order period and beginning of   Lastly, the Islamic movements in public
 the era of Reformation like LDK and   or secular universities tend to be more
 KAMMI would rather be called the   Islamic than those movements found in
 campus Islamic propagation movement.   Islamic universities. This phenomenon
 Although comprising political aspects   is clearly visible not only in terms of
 in their process of establishment, these   clothing, but also on their selection of
 student movements are more influenced   Islamic movements. In public universities,
 by the high spirit of Islam resulted from   the LDK and KAMMI movements are
 the Middle East influences. The LDK   morepreferableby students compared
 and KAMMI movements belong to   to the student movements of HMI,
 the following characteristics: having a   PMII, and IMM. On the contrary, HMI
 conservative ideology, more focused   and PMII dominate Islamic universities
 on Islamic propagation activities, or the   such as UIN and IAIN, except in the
 capacity building activities leading to   Muhammadiyah Universities where IMM
 Islamic propaganda, and conducting   is more dominant.
 activities in either for the campus
 community and or the general populace.

 In spite of the relatively different ideology
 and idealism the campus Islamic
 movements in many ways belong to
 some shared similarities, especially as it
 is noticeable in the spirit of nationalism.
 Generally, all of the referred student
 movements push for democratization of
 Indonesia, and also want to disseminate
 modern values such as pluralism and
 multiculturalism. Issues around Islamism
 like the Islamic Sharia, Islamic caliphate
 or Islamic states are very rarely heard

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